Gardai acting quite aggressively

His Adrenaline must have been pumping that pepper spray had no affect on him whatsoever. A taser should have put him down . Donā€™t know the story with the bullets . Was there any warning shots or how many hit him . Iā€™d say he was as high and with whatever mental issues he had . Itā€™s sad been honest . I feel sorry for his family and his brother who was watching it all go down . Those lads are highly trained in the think it was the ARU not the ERU who shot him too.

The only problem with the number of shots would be if they were into his back as he ran away. This man was shot at until he stopped attacking. I read somewhere he was struck by 3 shots.

Yes but depending on the scenario shots in the back could be justified. If he was armed, as he clearly was and in danger of possibly hurting someone else. Very different if unarmed.

It was those Gaurds duty to apprehend that animal. To remove him from the streets, to keep our society safe from him. They didnt take the back foot, they took control of the situation & neutralised it. I really hope they get commended for their bravery.

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Went to a shooting range in Warsaw once, the power off even the 9mm handguns is frightening, one of the lads says Id hate to ever shoot someone I replied id hate to ever fucking get shot. Presume your body goes into some sort of rapid shock which triggers adrenaline to keep you going for a few more seconds I dunno the science to it.

The judgement of death isnt yours or theirs to pass. Iā€™d fight you and any man for that judgement

Letā€™s await the full facts

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Good lord you are beyond a moron. They have to do whatever it is to make a situation safe.

They do. For all parties. Letā€™s wait before making a judgement either side

Absolutely, you can be damn sure the cops who arrived and apprehended the psycho who murdered that detective in Roscommon wanted nothing more than to end the cunt right there but the threat was over and it would be murder if they did.

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What he fuck has that got to do with anything?

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I read before where most people fall when shot unnecessarily, like they do it because they see it on screens when in fact it shouldnā€™t cause anyone to fall unless they are killed. 9mm would be minor I shot a .50 last year and it was a noticeably heavier kick.

Do you read often about how people react to bullet impact?

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Iā€™m agreeing with you, you were referring to no one should carry out judgement I gave an example.

No I only need to read something once to understand it

For Christ sakes man its clear from the video he tried to inflict grievous bodily harm on those Gardai. Its a closed book.

If it agrees with your world view? Which is very robust.

Thatā€™s not a judgement

Bang. Bang. Bang. Severe pause. Bang

If I was a gaurd with 10 other cops id have taken him down without ending his life

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They may have. Wait for the facts. Dont jump to the racist cops line or the defending it blindly because youā€™re a racist line. Wait for the facts

Your not answering my question. Do you think they all had guns. The cunt wasnt shot for the craic. He was shot for attacking a guard with a knife. Lads here would want to have a look at themselvesā€¦ Ah the poor lad had mental health issues, it was racialā€¦ Ffs they should have killed him with hugs and mad him a cup of tea ffs


Well all Iā€™ll say is if I end up beside one of ye at the end of a knife-wielding lunatic in future, regardless of race, culture or other demographic Iā€™ll make sure to take matters into my own hands and run like fuck (extremely slowly) from the situation regardless of what weaponry ye may have yer hands.

45% of ye would take too long making up yer minds what to do. Another 45% could do anything and the remaining 10% are likely to shoot me based on a brief review of posts. Fuckin hell lads.

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