Gardai acting quite aggressively

Wannabe proud boy goes to a shooting range
Has a conversation with himself about guns
Claims he doesnā€™t know about science

A very interesting case study on our hands here :popcorn:


Now who is suiting the events to their own view?? Lunges with knife Bang. Bang. Bang. Pause. Lunges again, Bang. See what I did there?? One scenario(yours) is looking to find fault with the Gardai the other(mine) is right there in front of you but you refuse to accept it.

Iā€™m not making judgement from a phone shot from 400 yards. You are.

I found the fourth shot unusual.

By risking your own life by getting a fatal stab wound to a vital internal organ? Look a real life Chuck Norris over here.

I can clearly see what is in front of me the only thing unusual is your refusal to accept the facts in front of your face.

@Watchyourtoes is seething and arguing against @EstebanSexface point that the facts will come out in the fullness of time

This is odd as itā€™s a neutral statement

God Bless the Gardai. They do a great job.

Youā€™re making shit up from a sketchy phone video. Iā€™ll wait to see the reason for the fourth shot. Let there be no quarrel

Your about as neutral as your fucking Italian forefathers you prick.

Denial, the last resort of a desperate man.

@Watchyourtoes now arguing with me in offensive analysis of the situation

Deflection, the first resort of an idiot.

Eh none here iā€™m calling it as I see it.

Looking at the video again looks like this lad ran out of the house and lunged at the gardaĆ­ with a knife . Looks like he got pretty close too .

No shit.

Youā€™re jumping to conclusions without all available information based on your world view.

Relax. Allow the information to emerge and then form an opinion.

This is raw. Relax

I was watching the dogs the first time

There was 5 shots if you were paying any attention to the video .

I might have a different video. Which one are you jumping to conclusions on?

I thought you played golf. Or are you exaggerating to back yourself up. I make it about 50 yards.