Gardai acting quite aggressively

Its far enough away for me to be dubious mate, I cant conclusively say what is happening either way and saying otherwise I think you’re bulls hitting whatever allegiance

But well short of 400 yards.

Ignorant more like.

This one

No. No. Not brainwashed

There is a difference.

Fuck me that’s worse

They missed him with four shots and had to put him down with 5.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Pause. Bang. Pause. Bang.


Anyway, the facts seem very straight forward here.

The suspect was on a violent rampage according to all accounts. He charged at the Gardai with a knife, and was neutralised.

Its very odd that there are some people here that have taken the side of the perpetrator rather than the side of the Hero Gardai.

You can’t even count :rofl: ah lads bed time for you.

Let’s wait for the facts. Its very odd anyone had taken any side

You said there was 5 shots son. How many stops a man, being a ballistic expert

Your raving about 4 shots and then 5 more… son.

You’re the ballistic expert, son. Await the inquiry.

And where did I claim this now?

Is you’re whole point that one shot wouldnt put a guy down?

Never said that at all, I said they shot four times and paused( the part you are so upset about) then fired again to finally put him down. It’s not rocket science don’t be afraid of what your own eyes tell you.

I misread the 3 for 4 so just replace them, either way the pause isnt great optics. Regardless of the victim

Have you ever seen someone shot by the way? I have and it wasnt nice

One shot would not have been sufficient to neutralise the perpetrator.

Momentum = Mass times Velocity. Review the video.

The video is inconclusive

No never in person nor would I want to!

Yeah its fucking rotten

A gardai that are judged jury and executioner should be the last thing anyone wants