Gardai acting quite aggressively

No one is arguing that, we are arguing was it necessary to shoot him in that given situation. Someone attacks an armed Garda with a bladed weapon in my opinion they are well within their rights to defend themselves by lethal force.

They arent though. Lethal force isnt in their remit

The case will rest on whether we have a severe pause or a standard pause between shots 4 and 5.


To protect their own life in a split second scenario??? Ok now your just winding I know you arenā€™t a total fucking idiot.

Between a guy being dead or really fucking dead? Iā€™d like to know if law enforcement had that choice alright

Between shot 4 and 5. Thatā€™s my only question here son

That pause was to give him one final opportunity to stop attacking them before he lunged again forcing them to fire one last shot, had there been no pause and just 5 shots in sequence I bet you would turn it around and whinge why didnā€™t they stop to give him a chance. You canā€™t have it every way iā€™m not wasting my time on you with this subject any longer, those with a brain here can see exactly what happened.


Those with a brain will wait to hear the full information before jumping to a conclusion

Dive in kid.

Iā€™d like to hear the real reason for the delay

It is. Do you think they are issued with guns but not allowed to use them?

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Whats a member of the force doing so close to s dangerous man?

Arent they trained our money?

Bang x 4. Bang

They are putting their lives on the line to protect you.

God Bless the Gardai.

Do you want free reign to fire at will?

15 Hero Gardai :innocent:

You claimed they are not allowed use lethal force. That is incorrect, they can lawfully use lethal force. Whether they did or not act lawfully is another question but it is in their remit.

:cry: On my way up from Limerick to the Phoenix Park here as we speak, tomorrow afternoon/ night could be a hairy oneā€¦

By the wayā€¦ some amount of lads on here watching too much TV :rollseyes:

Can I just point out that I didnā€™t make the poster. I just posted it.

I also wonā€™t be anywhere near Blanchardstown Garda Station today.

Sad situation but unfortunately George put himself in that situation. Lord have mercy on him but the Gardai were just doing their job.

The tagline #hewasnotacriminal is gas to be fair.


Has @Fagan_ODowd done a sketch of the crime scene yet? Iā€™d need to see the trajectory of bullets 3 and 4 before making a final call on this.

Ireland does not have a problem with black crime or police violence against black people. Its genuinely sad for our society that this incident will be used to claim we do and will actually increase racial tension with non moderate people on both sides becoming more entrenched and in turn entrenching the other side further.
With the incident itself it may have been a fuck up by the guards it may not, the facts will come out in time. Its very unusual for the guards to shoot anyone dead in the history of this country and even more unusual (unprecedented?) for them to shoot someone dead who wasnā€™t carrying a gun. That makes this a very controversial incident regardless of who the dead man is .


So there is protests apparently happening today across the countryā€™s various citys. The same people protesting are the same who scream about locking down the country and wear masks in their twitter profile. So they will be breaking restrictions to gather in an organised manner in a public space To protest for a knife wielding lunatic who bate the shit out of a gay fella. And the level 5 restrictions are to be enforced by the guards. This will be box office

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