Gardai acting quite aggressively

Colour can be taking out of this based on the events leading up to it. Whether the guards should have handled it differently or not. Your going to get the 5% on the far left and right use this to feed their bullshit. Everyone else is in the middle thinking its a tragedy that it came to this. Its all very sad

Smart move by the government to call on lads who left the guards to help out today.

Garda Ombudsman investigators are to examine a video capturing the fatal Garda shooting of a man in his front garden in west Dublin on Wednesday.

George Nkencho (27) was shot at least three times by members of the Blanchardstown Armed Support Unit (ASU) while allegedly brandishing a knife and threatening gardaĂ­.

A 13-second mobile phone video shot by a passerby and confirmed by The Irish Times shows a man in a blue jumper surrounded by ASU members outside Mr Nkencho’s family house on Manorfields Drive in Clonee.

A gunshot can be heard before the man in blue is seen swinging his arm towards the officers. It is not clear from the footage if there is something in his hand.

Another four shots are then heard. The man appears to stumble before falling to the ground on the fifth shot.

The footage was taken from the other side of a green area in front of the house.

Sources say the shots all came from an official Garda weapon. At least three hit Mr Nkencho. ASU members administered first aid before Dublin Fire Brigade paramedics arrived and began CPR. He was taken by ambulance to James Connolly Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

The Garda said in a statement it implemented “a graduated policing response” after being threatened with a knife. It is understood this involved the use of pepper spray followed by the firing of two Taser guns.

GardaĂ­ also verbally ordered the deceased to drop the knife several times before using force, one source said.

The incident began just after midday when, according to eyewitnesses, Mr Nkencho entered the Eurospar supermarket in Hartstown were he punched a manager in the face, injuring the victim’s nose. Mr Nkencho then produced a large knife from his pocket and brandished it towards staff.

Unarmed gardaĂ­

He then walked into the post office section of the supermarket as unarmed gardaĂ­ began to arrive. The supermarket manager was taken to hospital for treatment.

At least 12 unarmed gardaĂ­ followed Mr Nkencho out of the shop and through several housing estates while instructing him to drop the knife.

By the time Mr Nkencho arrived in his front garden at 12.30pm, the ASU had arrived from Blanchardstown Garda station and took over the operation. This is when the fatal shots were fired.

The deceased and his family are originally from Nigeria but had been living in the area for many years. Some family members were in the house at the time. They have since been relocated to a friend’s house.

GardaĂ­ have obtained the video of the shooting which will be passed on to investigators from the Garda Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc).

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Mornin lads. Good night had by all I see.

tenor (34)


Let’s wait for the full facts to emerge but spend half the night arguing :smiley:


The trajectories of the bullets are almost irrelevant, it’s the micro-timings of the shots that are key here.

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Heavy gang just arrived. Itll be done and dusted by the end of the day.

Well that’s that then.

Lot of drink taken here last, pause, night.

Drink, drink, drink, pause, drink


No, I think it was

Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Wait. Neck it.

The top shelf was definitely raided a few times

Drink, drink, drink, long pause, drink.

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That’s about the size of it… those lads don’t shoot , only as a last resort.

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Few lads feeling fairly sheepish as the missus clears out the bottles from beside the good chair this morning.

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She probably found the phone still on too and more than likely mid post.

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Who is myboyblue and why are you calling him a cunt


Tab open with “how many bullets are needed to kill a man”

She’s probably in a taxi to the airport


@flattythehurdler called this earlier. A terrible situation for all involved. The guy shouldn’t have ended up dead. The guards didn’t wake up in the morning thinking they’ll go shoot someone today. Was excessive force used? They tried other means, repeatedly. Should he have been shot? Probably not, but that’s easy for me to say sitting on my couch. If a guy, who has already shown serious signs of aggression, won’t calm down and won’t put down his weapon, comes running at me trying to stab me, then I may think differently.

It’s a terrible incident. But the fact many are highlighting cases where people have not been shot before emphasizes that it’s not a common occurrence here and it’s unusual for it to result in an ending like this. The guy was no angel, that’s a fact. He didn’t deserve to die over what he did. But he left very little option by his actions.


What’s an acceptable pause between shots fired