Gardai acting quite aggressively

Are we counting Mississippis or Mississippilessly?

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I think you have it there. It’s an awful outcome for all involved but the guard deserves the benefit of the doubt (unless there is something yet to come out) that he acted in good faith in an incredibly difficult and dangerous situation.


How did the thing in abbeylara end up after the investigation was done etc?

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Has this been confirmed?

Did he have the knife at the shop altercation or did he get it once he arrived back home?

The family facing into a horrible few days with realisation their son is gone, funeral arrangements, restrictions on a funeral itself and now they have a crowd of people jumping aboard a racial bandwagon which they find themselves the centre of.

Whatever about the rights & wrongs of this sorry situation the twitterarti should fuck off for a week and let them grieve in private.


His brother took to Twitter a couple of hours after his death. Bizarre carry-on


The biggest thick on this site without question. :rollseyes:

Definitely the brother? I haven’t seen that confirmed.

Are these the severe paws that @EstebanSexface was referring to? Surely excessive force if used.

Jesus it’s only reading that you realise how unbelievably rare it is that guards kill someone. Recommended in the findings there they should have used attack dogs but we had none in 2000. Have we any now I wonder?
Is this the first time a fella without a gun was shot dead by guards? The race thing is a total red herring and a non issue here. This is a huge story without it

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Why didn’t they get a few riot shields and half a dozen of them bum rush him

Mate, you never paused to assess the situation before blowing your load.

If the uniforms called in ERU then all efforts to subdue the chap had failed. If then gun was used it wasn’t when the lads jumped out of the car either.
The young man must of been aware of the gun holding Gardai. He still continued lashing out with a knife.

If he was suffering mental health issues then there are a couple of key questions need answering. Why was he alone and in a position to slip away to the local shop and assault an employee?

You can say it was a past issue all you like but if it was your wife, partner, sister, mother, father or brother who was on the end of this fellas visit I can understandably believe you wouldn’t be coming out with that guff.

3 or more shots fired ( if on target ) seems excessive I agree but we don’t know what was being said or what aggressive actions the deceased was performing so until facts are on the table people need to reign the racial shit.


Imagine the Guards had used the softly, softly approach some are advocating.

‘Please put down the weapon, Mr Knife wielding raider.’

Imagine he chooses not to, a Guard walks over to him but the accused stabs him/her to death.

Today’s papers then are full of glowing testimonies of this deceased Guard - married with kids, all round good person, pillar of the community.

Would the liberal lefties be happy then? ‘The Guards showed great restraint. Just a pity someone got killed.’

Unfortunate he died but if you violently attack someone, apparently ignore repeated warnings from Gardai (both armed and unarmed) before lunging at one of them with a knife it, on the face of it, seems perfectly reasonable to use force to defend yourself or others.

A scumbag is a scumbag, irrespective of skin colour. That fella who killed the nurse up in Wicklow is no loss to society either. Sad for his family but he wasn’t minding his own business before being shot randomly.

You can blame the Gardai for lots of things but taking down a lunatic on a rampage is not one of them.


I call bullshit. A knife isn’t part of a gardas kit

There’s no pulling the wool over your eyes is there Sherlock?

You are spot on here. Any individual acting like this in any other country would not be given the time to make a decision he would be shot and it would be a non event in truth. It does not make a difference the skin colour of the individual. The tree huggers will be up in arms marching and causing unnecessary tension while adding fuck all to say to day society themselves, none of them ever seem to work in the forces, latte drinking, hemp wearing pricks the lot of them.


Yes. It’s confirmed

Zoom in ffs.

@Your_Mums_Athletic is acting like an online version of the man on the train cheering as the police threw off the youngsters

Very sad.

Gonna be torture for the parents that he got out in that state and the end result was his death.