Gardai acting quite aggressively

Is shooting people with obvious mental health issues a new approach? Another sad indictment of our mental health care in Ireland. A lot of people walking around that likely shouldnā€™t be.

Far from it, I am stating it is a sad situation and the guards were left with very few choices when a man wielding a knife was charging at them.

No, youā€™re entirely wrong there. I posted three videos above of three similar incidents where UK police subdued people in similar situations without recourse to guns.

It is a sad time for their family but people need to cop the fuck on and not try and make this country like America or the Uk, I think most people are tolerant and racism is pretty low here in the main. People need to think before easing tensions.

You watched too much Tarzan as a child.


I am yet to see them so I will have a look.

What ā€œracial shitā€ did I post? Quote it for me there.

Itā€™s bizarre to me how many lads canā€™t read what Iā€™ve written, and instead respond to what theyā€™d like to think I wrote.

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The people on Twitter defending a lad who lunged at and tried to kill a person with a knife are the same people who would want your life ended for calling them a mean name.

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Is it not possible that the police in the UK are better trained in disarming people who wield a knife at them or at handling these situations given the increased threat of a terrorist attack over there?

Do. A Google will throw up numerous examples from the UK of police subduing people with knives. It often makes the papers and the police are commended for not acting like the vigilantes they call police in the US.

My own view is that 15 GardaĆ­ should be able to subdue a guy with a knife without shooting him dead.

Wonā€™t be long until the ā€œdefund the Gardaiā€ campaign starts.

Itā€™ll be the same people who run to the Guards if their dog gets stolen or any misfortune befalls them.

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Just for balance


This is being portrayed as a George floyd type incident on the mainland. Brutal Irish cops have murdered a black man

It is possible, but Iā€™d say itā€™s quite unlikely that the average police officer in the UK is better trained than the average Garda.

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Do minorities feel the same as you do mate?

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This is the thing. The gardai involved were highly vetted and highly trained. They were not some murican rednecks with a power complex and a gun. Itā€™s impossible to judge what went on really, as hindsight is very easy, but Iā€™d always be inclined to give armed gardai the benefit of the doubt. If society canā€™t or wonā€™t give a level of trust to their judgement, then they shouldnā€™t be gardai or armed.


Doesnā€™t anybody that goes waving a knife around the place have some sort of mental health issues nowadays ?

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So are you saying the armed response unit or whatever it is called was not necessary, given your use of the word ā€˜averageā€™?

Or as of last week run to the guards if someone says something mean about them online.

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Iā€™d say maybe, maybe not.
There are some situations (London bridge for example) that canā€™t really seem to be resolved without potentially lethal force.
Iā€™d not judge the gardai at fault yet, there may well be no fault really. Sometimes itā€™s just the way it went. The gardai can, and will try and learn from it Iā€™m 100% certain of that. Iā€™m also 100% certain that not one of them wanted this to happen.
If there was any cultural element, it will be that they may have been less equipped to talk him down. This is cultural, not racial, and may not be true. If a lad is running at you or your friend and colleague, having just hospitalised an entirely innocent bystander, and now wielding a knife, I doubt youā€™d be too concerned about skin colour, and Iā€™m confident theyā€™d have shot me in the same circumstances.