Gardai acting quite aggressively

Tell you what now Harry . Go over to the cancer thread and see what happened yesterday. Then come back and start trolling me again . You obviously have fuck all else to do with your time bar smoke weed and snipe away. You are the biggest fucking waster ever to post here. Fuck off you inbred cunt.
Yes that’s a rant


I really don’t know why that would be your takeaway from what I wrote. It’s not what I said. Maybe read it again.

Deja vu eh?? :grin: guess who the common denominator is, spud.

Stupid fuckwits that can’t read like you?

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I believe 5 shots was excessive.
I firmly believe you cannot use examples from the UK or what your mate may have done in previous situations either.

There is nowhere near enough information at hand to say definitively either way what went down.

If that young mans family were in the house while the whole situation unfolded god bless them. Just a horrible outcome for all involved.

But, someone decided to walk into a local shop and assault a worker. This led to Gardai being called.
Gardai gave instructions to the deceased to do as told and be arrested I presume.
The ARU was called. The fact this backup was needed is a big clue to the situation in itself.

I told you everyone here knows your sick way of thinking, being a sneaky little cunt doesn’t hide that fact.

This will be turned into a BLM scenario by some, looting and marching. They should be told to get fucked by the media and politicians.

In Ireland, the Garda SĂ­ochĂĄna Ombudsman Commission are required to investigate any time the actions of GardaĂ­ may have caused a death.

That shows a marked difference in culture and in what we expect of our police to, say, the US, and it’s a good thing.

You were comparing average cops in the UK with average cops in Ireland. The guards on the scene in Dublin yesterday were not ‘average’, but members of a select group within the Gardai. Neither me or you know how they are trained in the UK or even how they are trained in Ireland to handle these situations, so I think speculation surrounding this is a moot point.

Sick, sneaky, little cunt.

You’re on here ranting and raving about things I didn’t say.

Grow up.

And learn to read properly before coming onto a discussion board you fuckwit.

You introduced the point.

Ok lads, give over the personal stuff.

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Having seen the video just there, it looks more like the fundamental problem was in allowing the confrontation to reach that point.
Whether or how that could have been avoided will be the lesson learned. Once the lad tried to attack the gardai it was beyond the point of anything but potentially lethal force, he was too close, and too intent.
Most things in industry look at the Swiss cheese model, where a series of unfortunate events coincide to line up and make a hole.
I’m sure the whole situation could have been handled differently, but at the time, I doubt very much the gardai acted unreasonably at any point.

The defender of scum @glasagusban

Quote where I defended anyone.

You could also stick up reports of numerous policemen stabbed to death while going about their duty in the UK for a bit of balance. Or even the video from Dublin this summer when the Gardai arrested a man with a knife, but only after he dropped it on the pavement and he wasn’t lunging at them with it.

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You are defending his death which is the very same in this scenario, you going to deny that too? Course you are.

Are tasers useless then?

In most functioning justice systems this lad would have been in jail. Everyone in the area seems to know it was him who beat an elderly woman a few weeks ago. Why wasn’t he apprehended? Are the Gardai too busy on the N11 or looking for house parties or is there any point seeing as how a judge would just let him walk anyway. Neither a good look.

Defending his death? What does that mean?

Saying someone shouldn’t be killed is not the same as defending them.

You may not agree with that but it’s a fact in this country because we don’t have the death penalty.