Gardai acting quite aggressively

Are there any examples of Gardai subduing people with knives without shooting them or any examples of UK police shooting people with knives per chance? :thinking:

Or are you just using examples that suit your narrativeā€¦

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Its like when people who are caught doing something ā€œfell in with the wrong crowdā€. Nobody ever is ā€œthe wrong crowdā€.

This ā€œsuit your narrativeā€ phrase is one of the most overused and misunderstood phrases on TFK.

What I posted were examples that demonstrate that itā€™s possible for police to subdue a person that is attacking them with a knife or sword without shooting them to death.

Quite simple.

We also have a right to use reasonable force(in this case lethal) to protect ourselves no more so than our Garda units. This is the real world the one you, count vonā€¦ pause count and the imbecile publican refuse to accept. There would be two dead yesterday if the Gardai shared the same thought process as fuck heads like ye but thankfully they donā€™t.

Blanchardstown Garda Station

Agree to disagree.

15 GardaĆ­ should be able to subdue one man with a knife without killing him.

None of your ranting and raving will change that.

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What do you say about these examples then @glasagusban?

Avoiding the question I see. Carry on.

The intelligent general public are behind their actions 100% and all your liberal wailing wont change that which is all that matters.

ok, this is just a series of inane cliches

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The story of your life.

why are you so triggered?

Iā€™ve to head over that direction to the gym now :grimacing:

Your the one following me around, you want to thoughtfully take on my posts since last night go right ahead please do. If you are incapable of doing so which clearly you are then fuck off.

But what can they actually do when tasing doesnā€™t work? Charge him and risk getting stabbed?

its a forum mate

ive responded to a few of your posts

Snide little quips from the cheap seats? Ya thatā€™s why I stopped taking notice of you here over a decade ago.

Why wouldnt tasing or pepper spray work?
are there ways of shooting someone in a non lethal way too?

Not sure Iā€™m buying mental health here . He was well able to target old women and a small man with a limp,isolated in a post office .well able to lash out and take money .


Knew what vulnerable person to attack