Gardai acting quite aggressively

Apparently it didn’t work. Someone mentioned earlier about tasing sometimes not working if the person has a few layers on but not sure how true that is.

There should be

the ombudsman will tease this out i guess

Is it a known fact he took money?

Lads who get offended and upset at the wrong pronoun are now discussing with a straight face how they would subdue a lad with a knife after taser and pepper spray has not stopped him and he has tried to murder a colleague.

Ultimate TFK


He was known to gardaĂ­. He was a criminal and a dangerous one at that .

I’d say 15 police officers should be able to subdue them without shooting them dead.

He tried to kill a guard with is on video and forced them to use lethal force. I feel for the guard who had to pull the trigger .

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If they’d some of those riot shields he couldn’t do much with a knife maybe? I dunno tbh but I’m surprised 15 guards couldn’t deal with it.

Agreed. We aren’t set up to deal with this kind of thing clearly as it very rarely happens

They did deal with it.

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I posted a few videos of police in action doing it above.

They were the first few results of a quick search.

Every situation is different.

Someone should spray the lot of em with slurry

They’ll probably be all learning now anyway.


Damien is clearly very stupid or can’t read. The people who tackled the person with the knife were praised as heroes, quite a different approach and situation isn’t it?

Few roads closed in Blanch

“Police officers” are you a fucking tan or something? Easily known you’re full of shit when you had a friend in An Garda Síochána.

as far as idiotic statements on this site go, yours is right up there with the best of them.

unless you can categorically state that none of the gardai will sustain an injury whilst subduing the knifeman which, of course, you cant.