Gardai acting quite aggressively


@Lazarus, @Thomas_Brady, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - what stage are we at now? I can’t be reading through all the playground stuff

Glas and toes still swinging. The rest of us mourning the black lad yet being understanding of the tough job the guards have.


Exactly the same as when you last looked


A lad was shot dead. Theres an investigation


I’m up as far as @Thomas_Brady calling for an end to lads getting personal. Sad to see last nights considered debate reduced to this kind of thing

I don’t believe it was a racist incident, Gardai completely unprepared I’d say, the chap should not be dead now, a shambles.

A divisive incident for Ireland though, allows those regarded as ‘snowflakes’ to pursue a cause and gives racists a voice while being allowed to start a sentence with ‘I’m not a racist but…,’
I think we’re quite a racist society


We’re not racist. We just have a hatred of Travellers and English people whilie thinking all Americans are stupid.


We are without doubt. Only thing is generally we keep it to ourselves thankfully.

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Fuck off back under your rock and lick your bed sores you 25 fingered crossed eyed idle waster

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I dont think it was racist, in that a white lad doing the same in blanch was as likely to be as unlucky if acting the same.
Having said that, I’m not sure if the outcome would be similar if the events happened in leafy Fingal or Douglas in Cork.
With regard to the gardai, i think they would be very well prepared. The ARU are on permanent patrol round blanch for gang reasons. Maybe that went against this fella. It just went the wrong way in my opinion, and the poor fucker is dead now.

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Native gangs I presume?

Twitter can be read without an account. Handy for checking the GAA scores.

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It is a wonderful facility for that . Twitter is an excellent concept but a lot of cunts use it to vent spleen

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The Claughan Twitter account account was a great follow

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The Mountcollins tweet was very funny

@Watchyourtoes what do you think of this carry on?