Gardai acting quite aggressively

Absolute scum of the earth

It’s disgraceful, that’s intimidation not protest. Several videos one shows a young child terrified inside a store with her mother. Horrific.


I suppose in fairness they have a right to be angry and protest it too. Would be the same if guards killed any young white fella from sherif St or finglas. We’ve often seen marches against police ‘brutality’ or fellas dying in police custody. The depressing thing is the racial angle on both sides.

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He tried to murder a guard . Il show you some of his handy work

Ive seen the pic of the victim assaulted by that scumbag yesterday too face slashed from ear to mouth, disgusting.


No regard for covid restrictions as per usual.

I’ve said my piece on covid restrictions on here maybe too many times and I’ve no problem if they want to peacefully protest. My issue is the hypocrisy from the typically mouthpieces screaming that restrictions must be followed or increased yet stay quiet for this carry on or virtue signal about the racism element. Sayimg that there are videos of this protest that some people are not doing it peacefully and very little of the guidelines are not being followed. The guards can charge the organisers under the covid laws but I imagine that would be a match to the tinder box

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An excuse to cause trouble. Scumbags…


The ‘chap’ wouldn’t be dead if he had followed Garda instruction. The ‘chap’ put himself into a situation where he forced an armed lawman into making a decision after numerous non lethal attempts to quell the situation failed because the ‘chap’ wouldn’t cooperate with the Gardai.

Here we go again :man_shrugging:


Almost every single young person of African background I’ve met in Ireland have to a man and a woman been nice, likeable kids. Generally come from solid hard working respectful families. There seems to be a thuggish confrontationary element in d15 and certain other areas of Cork though. There will be a thesis written about the ghettoisation in those areas and the subsequent problems that are sure to follow yet.


The African community in Ennis have integrated and are a welcome part of the community. I’m sure they’ve encountered a few idiots over the years who are racist but I know a few parents from school and they don’t condsider themselves kept down etc


Have you heard of the crowd from Balbriggan?


If the pictures I received in WhatsApp of the victim in the Spar are real this guy was a seriously dangerous person to hack someone up like that with a machete.

Correct… A lot of them have no culture in a way and subscribe to hip hop gang or drill ‘culture’… which is fairly tragic. The only parts of Cork they’ll get away with it is Douglas/Carrigaline /Ballincollig etc… They wouldn’t attempt it up the Northside or they’d be blown out if it.

The virtue signalling from elements of middle class Ireland like coppinger and Jedward would sicken you… They’re inciting gangs to terrorise shopping centres and society in general for their own twisted agenda. Cunts.


From what I can see on that video, he meant serious damage when he was swinging that knife, he had to go, he had to be neutralised, if it was a traveller, most lads on here would celebrating and asking for the guard to be given a gold medal for services to the community

That’s what’s most lads are saying now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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