Gardai acting quite aggressively

Going by the videos in Blanchardstown it’s time to bring the Army out. What’s going on Outside the spar where the lad was attacked is ridiculous

Edit, wrong pic

Only in Ireland could you have the perpetrator of this who was armed violent and lunging at police be portrayed by some as a victim.


Send them on.

Lucky to be alive and disfigured for life.

Any other country it would be a fairly straightforward story. But there’s a combination of bed wetters trying to show the world how woke they are and a community who mistakingly believe they are being walked on. That belief promoted wholeheartedly by the former group.


take that down you idiot


Some amount of donuts on TFK

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I see it was wrong.

No comment on you after bleating why wasn’t pepper spray used and why didn’t the tazer work after more facts emerged today, you fucking blowhard

exposing themselves as idiots

putting up photos of an everton fan to stoke racism

Fucking shameful carryon

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You would love it if there was a racist element, you could screech righteousness for months

A teacher who taught there said to me once it was unfair to paint Africans as causing trouble in Balbriggan. They almost universally didn’t. The kids of the Nigerians did.

It’s like painting all Europeans the same. There are vast differences between nations and how they carry on.

I’ll be called racist now etc.

Guards should 100% be wearing body cameras. Should demand them after this.

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What would the body camera have done here .


Big Limerick Matters?

He had Rahem Stirling as his twitter name (is that a soccer player?) and you had lads in the replies commiserating with Raheem.

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He was fucking killed, why do you need to be an absolute prick about everything, a mother’s son etc