Gardai acting quite aggressively

Rte 1 there now

Whatā€™s your quote , " itā€™s all about education". Well we have to educate the teachers first it seems .

Typical rte coverage

I know , but donā€™t give them any air time . It was beautifully done .

Iā€™m told it is

You went to all that trouble and still nothing to show for it, would you have shot me if I was outside my zone?

I think youā€™ve lost the plot, you were never this nuts before.

But I worry if you really are a Garda, thatā€™s frightening


same source as the one that gave you the pic of the shop assistant?


A ā€œwhite bastardā€ that would really sicken you to the core, this is the nations future sadly.

Youā€™re caught :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .

Trust me it was no trouble at all .

These protestors seem awfully racist.

Bullshit, show the cunts attacking the bus, the shop and innocent people. Utter cunts. Blm my holeā€¦ He wouldnā€™t harm a fly ffs

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Thereā€™s going to be protests all over the country now.

So what have we now lads? A debate about what happened or lads taking pot shots at each other?

Carry on

Ive no problem whatsoever with a peaceful protest in normal times but these are far from it, intimidating mobs chanting racist abuse have absolutely no place in modern society.


I think they want the drama . Want the attention . They turned on the news tonight and saw a failed protest. Took the noise away . Deal with the thugs on an individual basis now .

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The Buff has spoken.

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Where did he copy that from


Was thinking thereā€™s a surprising lack of spelling mistakes and random capitals.


Protesting racism by shouting racist slurs at innocent bystanders. Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone now.