Gardai acting quite aggressively

Them voices in your head again?

I didn’t think the word “woke” would ever be in a buff Egan tweet

Sit down protest and bus driver nudged too close. I’d be vexed if a bus got too close to me protesting peacefully. :man_shrugging:

He’s enough time on his hands isolating with his covid for two weeks :rofl:

Fellas getting summary executed on their own doorstep, that’s the way its gone now

It’s alright iv a full house

tenor (3)


It’s a good way to make something that was not about race, about race. Right wing/racist groups will love that video. Those kids need to be brought under control by their parents before they do untold damage to their community.


Paul Murphy is a piece of shit, helping to inflame this last night, he is the other side of the coin to the Gemma O’Doherty headbangers. The moronic wokesters m taking on US cultural issues and aligning with wankers like that who want to cause as much harm to society as possible.


Theres 2 fellas commenting on that trying to egg buff to argue with them. Fair play buff hasn’t replied to their 3 or 4 tweets

That was an insane comment.

These types recognise there is no interest in their crackpot economic theories so have to latch onto social causes to remain relevant.

Guards getting attacked with knives now. That’s the way it’s gone now.

No I got that one off twitter.

Any comment to make on what’s being shouted by the scum outside the shop, or have you the backbone to say something that might affect your pc status

There was no protest when the lad who killed Justine Valdez was shot dead in his car and he no threat at all.

World is fucked. Social media hyping these kids up.

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The one white Person at protest has no mask on.

Attacked on the internet by the extreme left .

It’s fucking pathetic.

We know there’s issues around race, asylum and refugees here at all levels of society, but we don’t have a history of systemic and ingrained racism that exists in the US. Nor do we have a history of police brutality based on race or racial issues. Trying to create that vacuum actually splits society more and does more harm than good.

Last night’s incident can be used to look at many issues… Mental health, our courts and Garda response to violent incidents but to hone in on racism are the actions of very dangerous people.


This shooting was also misogynistic