Gardai acting quite aggressively

They tazered him twice.

I will in my fuck and drop my mate in the shit.

See, you made an assumption based on what way the wind was blowing.

He was tazered

:joy::joy: Iā€™m a contrarian mate.

You are the very definition of looking to see what way the crowd is going and then running in front of it and shouting ā€œthis way ā€œ.

Could they have asked him for the wires back so they could do it again maybe?

Happy new year lads


Did they buy their taser in Poundland or something?

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Are you watching a doc on Fine Gael?


No, Iā€™m actually watching a doc on aliens. (Well yeah youā€™re right, Fine Gael)

Should have shot him with a tranquilizer dart says @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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proved there was 15 gaurds

dont be niave, sure this country is 100 years behind the likes of the US and the Brits

Yeah , weā€™ll get our slave industry and colonialism up and running in the new year ā€¦:roll_eyes:


Have you read his other tweets?

I just watched the video

What would you have done to stop that

Have a drink kid.Relax . I presume the yacht club have given you the night off. Take advantage of it

thats not the point and as historian you should understand. Sociaty

Go up and have a look around St Marys park in Limerick which is 100% white Irish and has the stats for the most deprived area in the country mate. Off the charts deprivation in every measure.

This isnt America, that lads race had nothing to do with that yesterday.

I blame the lack of supports for mental health though. There are none in this country, thats the real problem, and real issue here.

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Itā€™s exactly the point I made ā€¦ The US, and for different reasons the UK, were societies that were built on superiority and supremacyā€¦ Irish society has evolved to have itā€™s on clique of haves and have nots but racial superiority is not within our DNA. If anything, and as a result of colonialism, itā€™s the other way aroundā€¦

Iā€™m not sure what your point is really. Itā€™s hyperbole and not based on any thing solid.

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I understand that and know the place pal. Ireland is becoming more like the brits and the US with the differant people coming in