Gardai acting quite aggressively

It’s very difficult to get someone with a proven violent mental health issue committed in this country. That dosent makes defending yourself of others against them any less legitimate.

“Oh, you’ve a mental health issue, slash and stab away my good man”

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You’re right, but it seems to be just a case of drugging the illness rather than dealing with it which is a pity.

Not saying I’ve any of the answers, its a big problem though that just isnt spoken about that much in a meaningfull well.

This is utter shite. Through hard work and education anyone can move between the very vague ‘cliques’ of haves and have nots.

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The Gardai have a great record here mate in regards to not going out and shooting people for no reason,

No one here really knows the facts either, I honestly don’t think there’s any racial element to this though and protests regarding same are not warranted or needed to be honest. Its just drives division when there shouldnt be any.

I’m not on about just financially per se…I’m on about the Galway tent crowd.

Some of the footage of the fuckacting around these protests reminds me of what happened to that Lidl during the beast from the east a few years ago.

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Its the same community sure who are frustrated, doesnt make it right, skin colour isnt the main driver I don’t think anyway.

John Connors was telling us all it was a protest against austerity

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George was one tough son of a bitch.

We have followed their lead and that will continue. We do as they say



I suppose the free masons are behind it all?

Big Business

Big business is only interested in money.

haha check your history

Check your spliffs

havent had a smoke in about 6 months bud. I wouldnt touch anything you get in this country again unless its hash

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Happy new year ya faggot