Gardai acting quite aggressively

A seldom seen pejorative.

He died doing what he loved. That’s all you can ask for really.


What wonderful place Twitter is

The young lad from kerry is at it again


Does the name Mark Hennessy ring a bell? White male from Ballybrack (so a Dub), and there was fuck all mayhem when he was shot. No rioting in the streets. None, and justifiably so.


Not really sure what to make of chant No.8

Having people chant about racist cops is really going to help things.

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With the wokies, you’re all in or nothing. They own the streets as well it seems.

These cunts are no good for the state .

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The answer to no.9 there is 6 in 22 years

Is ‘GON’ a word now?

Killer Micheál of Rith na seod wrote that due to the oppression of black people in Ireland

I’m pretty sure they are breaking current restrictions with that gathering. That’s multiple times, including attacking the police, that blatant disregard for our laws and policies have been flaunted. If they can’t abide by our laws and way of living they should find somewhere where such carry on is accepted.


What the fuck

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15 grand to bury him??

Get with the program you racist prick.

The official narrative is he was a nice quiet chap, kept to himself, wasn’t a criminal and just suffered from a touch of mental illness. Smashing up a store employee and slashing him with a machete is not criminal, nor is lunging at a guard with a machete.


There were 4 incidents of frightening public disorder caught on social media yesterday ‘protesting’ his death… These vermin need to be strongly tackled.


Should we stick a bitta ketamine into the water supply?