Gardai acting quite aggressively

If the vaccine program works out I will issue a national mushie program, relax the nation with an expirence. When Iā€™m in power that is

Post reported for racism. You need your posting privileges revoked.

Only a racist would see skin colour when Iā€™m merely talking about a group of people breaking the law.


A group of people that all happen to be black, and you called them vermin.

This entire episode is some fuel for the far right. The left should be ashamed for pandering to the supporters of a fella who has a list of convictions as your arm and tried to stab a guard

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As I said. Only racists would see skin colourā€¦ I just see people.

Are any of these fuckers on the ground trying to ease up tensions or is it a waste of time?

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When you hear a man was shot by the Gardai the first thing id say is where? Or when or why? Not what colour was he!

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The Lord mayor of Dublin supports the protesters.

Rte have completely killed this story, no pun intended. BLM getting no air time.

Good grief thatā€™s a very scary watch.

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The last thing we need in the middle of a pandemic is to be pandering to fools like those.

She needs to resign

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She sentenced her tweets to deletion fairly sharpish but the INTERNET never forgets.

Painted into a corner. Very opportunitisic politician. IIRC she was talking about leaving thr greens for soc dems. SD are a shower of clowns well suited to her

Fire them up there.

Its a lot easier to be righteous when it comes to issues like this in other countries but when it comes to your own doorstep people donā€™t want to touch it with a barge poll especially the media. Identity politics has no place in a modern society.

She has to go

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New chant:

Hazel Chu, will not do!