Gardai acting quite aggressively


There isnā€™t anything bad in that, very measured response surely?

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Never thought Iā€™d hear myth busters quoted in such a fashion. Next up, can a plane take off on a treadmill



Garda ARU shot and killed a known criminal, who was armed and dangerous. Where is the racism here?


They didnā€™t do it via drive by. He has his rights.

Did Hazel write a similar tweet when Mark Hennessy was needlessly gunned down in cold blood?

Known criminal, please share that known evidence.

I canā€™t answer that question, I donā€™t know, how would I?
But her tweets there were harmless, sympathising with the dead mans family while acknowledging that there were other victims also, is that the size of it? You have an issue with that?

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Thought the same. And the tweets arenā€™t deleted either.

Give me a second while I check back through some videos on WhatsApp.

Feck, i thought they were.

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OK, the most recent offence would be assaulting a Garda attempting to perform an arrest.

I know itā€™s not a crime to be dumb, but fuck me surely in the era of social media guys would know that resisting arrest with armed police is going to end one way.

Would it have been more acceptable if the perp had stabbed a Garda before being shot?

Has Hazel Chu wished any of the other people shot by Gardaiā€™s families well on Twitter or otherwise?

She posted a different tweet originally and then removed it.

His family have threatened to kill another guard . These people are absolute scum .

Are family members of Gardai shooting people on a regular basis?

Is an assault resulting in sending an innocent person to the hospital not a crime in Ireland now?