Gardai acting quite aggressively

Rumour on what’s app is that the guard is suspended.

The people shot by Gardai…

Though maybe. Sure the guards here are trigger happy apparently

Be normal enough practice until an investigation to the killing is carried out . Next

Really? You’d feel bad for him and his family.

That might be as a result of GSOC enquiry once a Garda firearm is discharged during the course of an incident?

I presume a leave of absence is mandatory after an incident like that, plenty of psychological evaluations to go through there could be a year out of work easily all be it fully paid.

A go fund me page has been setup for the poor victim of this machete wielding maniac. The forum should donate generously.

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Certainly the ones outside 5k shouldn’t be anyway.


People would honestly want to get a grip of themselves. Since 2016 armed Gardaí have fired their weapons on 16 occasions up to September of this year. The way some cunts are going on you’d swear we were living in an era of unprecedented violent police brutality.


Ah here are you serious? I wouldn’t know much about it tbh. Guards have a tough job. The way they’ve to break bad news to a families anytime a bad accident happens Is really tough too.

Tracie Askin?

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So it seems.

GardaĂ­ get fuck all in the way of psychological care after traumatic incidents like that.

Ah they must do!! @bill??

Fairly sure, unless something has changed, that a Garda who e.g. has to preserve the scene of a violent death is expected to show up for their next rostered shift.

Surely thats a criminal offence?


I’m not a cop


Ah ya but big difference between say securing a fatal crash site or finding an auld lad left dead in his house a week and actually shooting a person dead yourself.

True, but I seriously doubt the Garda in question will get a year of psych evaluations.

Hardly a surprise