Gardai acting quite aggressively

A lad I know well enough had to sit all night in the gaff with the body of the monkā€™s brother after he was shot.* Some issue with forensics not being there til morning.

*He IS a Garda.

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Smell of Monkfish

Would he have been friared if he refused?

This is insane that heā€™s let go round inciting people to murder Gardai.


Agreed. His emotions are still more than a bit raw understandably. He wouldnā€™t be the first person in history who wanted vengence for his dead brother. I hope time heals his anger

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Itā€™s a disgrace and an attempt to incite violence against the state. He should be arrested immediately.


On what charge

I think it makes more sense to can.the situation down

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All the lads wishing harm on politicians and health officials here should be rounded up as well so should they?

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Taking him off the streets will calm it down.

Credit the Gardai for handling this entire situation so well though. Weā€™re blessed with them.

Who is doing this?

Exactly. I think Iā€™d actually miss all the wannabe tough guys on TFK if they all got arrested for the hateful shite they sprout



What fools are at that?

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Probably cunts on Twitter

SOP would be to stand them down from armed duty until GSOC report.


What does SOP stand for?

No. He has a loudspeaker and is addressing a rally demanding the murder of a garda. Weā€™re crackpots shouting into the ether of the internet. Id say theres a radical difference. And obviously on a personal note Iā€™ve no problem contacting politicians to remonstrate with themā€¦


standard operating procedure

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It wouldnā€™t be a crime in the US, unless you actually took steps to commit a crime. Not sure what the law is in Ireland regarding inciting a crime.