Gardai acting quite aggressively

Always suspended as far as I know after a shooting until the investigation is done

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas art

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The Prohibition of Incitement To Hatred Act of 1989 applies here. Very important moment this. Would be very tragic of we just simp into the way knife crime and death in London has irreversibly gone. Time to be brave and knock this shit on the head quick smart. No right thinking person can side with these people on this issue. Some absolutely incredible comments here yesterday from yourself and others, hard to know who is wumming or not anymore.


Thankully the Guards aren’t as simple as many of the posters on here. To arrest the lad a couple of days after they shot and killed his brother would hardly diffuse the situation

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I did indeed pal. Hope you had a good one too

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The brother is inflaming the situation and has broken the law. You’re not saying he should be treated differently are you?

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Eh we are already there. Carrying a knife is standard for certain cohorts of young fellas around town.

I think the Gardai are taking a softly softly approach here, but you’d hope if this sort of rhetoric continues that they take action. Our Gardai are very brave men who put their lives on the line for our state. They deserve better than these sort of threats.

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I think it’s only fair that someone explain the law of the land to him.

So we should offer glorification and redemption of it? Nonsense.

If the brother is arrested for that then everyone who posts on TFK is areested at some point. Unless you’re saying we should be treated differently are you?

I think common sense needs to be applied here, arresting that chap will inflame that side further, there are more prudent ways of dealing with it I’m sure you’ll agree

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Agreed. But letting him up with a loudspeaker to tell people to murder a garda isnt quelling the situation either.

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Maybe they’ll shoot him too?

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Everyone on TFK has called for killing public figures in Ireland? That’s a hell of a claim, any evidence to back it up?


Idiotic post of the year on January 1st, take a bow.


If he lunges at them with a knife they probably will.

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Why would they do that? What are you accusing them of?

I definitely don’t disagree with that. Like I said I hope time can help him with his anger. Fellas calling for his arrest just want more blood

One bullet wasnt enough to out him down?

Two wasn’t, three, four, five.

The guards arent entitled to commit a death sentence in this country