Gardai acting quite aggressively

Hopefully not but you never know. I’d be more thankful that we dont live in a society where guns are so readily available that an angry young fella could get one and go on a rampage or something.

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Stick to the point please. Why would they shoot a man on a megaphone?

The guards are actually afraid of the criminals with the guns. Lads like the kinihans and that.

Yeah one stage or another I’d say thats true, if not everyone then every other one

I was being glib. Arent you?

Correct, they have to demonstrate they honestly believed a life was in danger to open fire. Once they decide to shoot though they have to put him on the ground. This isn’t the movies it can take several shots to the torso to stop someone.


You were being stupid.

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That’ll depend on how hard he tries to stab them.

Who said to glorify it? It’s a problem already is all I pointed out.

Well, if they feel threatened enough by the threat who knows.

The kinihans could march down grafton street with uzis though

WTF ? :joy::joy::joy:

Community leaders need to step up to the plate here


They shot until he ceased being a threat. There was no coup de grace. If he’d dropped the knife after being struck by shot no.1 he wouldn’t have gotten hit by no.2 and 3.

Did it happen in your neck of the woods ?


There were 5 shots no?

From what I’ve read he was struck by 3.

Still struggling with that??

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Correct, some of the shots hit him in the arm, some in the chest

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They should have tried throwing a bucket of water over him maybe