Gardai acting quite aggressively

You’d have to get woeful close to accomplish that. How would you rate your chances yourself of gettting close enough accomplish that feat without having a little something hacked off in return?

The voice of reason as always.


Distract him

This isn’t aintree , there isn’t stable lads hanging around to cool this animal down .

5 lads with super soakers would have brought him down?

The old “turn the hose on the dogs fighting in the front yard” or as my auld lad did once, brain the aggressor with a dustbin lid.

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Ya wouldn’t a massive whose like firemen use have worked here?

As usual, the voice of reason. Sending the cops out with the riot gear isn’t the answer here.

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What difference does it make that the chap was supposedly mentally unwell?

So was Brendan O’Donnell


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If they couldn’t hit him with the taser they’d likely have missed with a bucket of water too

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Maybe they need an aggressive attack bee unit. Sting the fucker to unarm them.

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In hindsight they should have tried to get DJ Spiral to talk him down as he’d have the lingo to negotiate proper, blud.

Did everyone stuck in the shop ever get out? Many fatalities?

Lad I fell off the chair!


London City last night :clap: :clap: I think we can all agree it would be great to see Dublin, our capital, with such a progressive outlook going forward

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They built a replica of the virus? That’s amazing!


You can see the entire display here. Wow, just wow

The black power fist would have set off a lot more fireworks in Dublin last night

You are the greatest fucking eejet to ever grace the Internet. I don’t know how you manage it but on every topic you display pure unbridled idiocy. What is your area of expertise exactly or what did you study in college?