Gardai acting quite aggressively

Not all 5 shots were meant to hit him. He was hit with shots 3, 4 and 5. Shot 5 was the chest from point blank range. Shots 3 and 4 were arm and collar bone/shoulder

What’s this supposed to mean exactly?? That the Gardaí are afraid of the likes of the Kinahans?

There were a couple of chaps from around your neck of the woods who thought the Gardaí were afraid of them too. They had guns and were dangerous enough to use them. They told us every day they’d use them. One of them used to enjoy calling out my home address to me. Where are they now? Who won that battle? Those cunts were afraid to come out of their little fortress by the time we finished with them.


so shot 5 wasnt necessary?

Hon our lad!

It was absolutely necessary. It was either him or the Garda at that point

Was it the one guard doing all the shooting? Why was he so close compared to the others

2 GardaĂ­ were armed.

They were attempting to arrest the man after several reports of serious crimes committed by a man matching his description in the area. He was deemed to be a danger to the public and was armed.


I also imagine they were determined not to allow him enter a home where he could get hostages and/or create a siege situation.

On the charge of solicitation. Incitement to murder is a statutory offence in this country.

I thought you said you weren’t a cop.

Did ye shoot any of the Dundons?

Most of TFK have called for fellas heads in their time. Shouldn’t they all be arrested too in that case?


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I was never a cop. We don’t have cops in Ireland so it’s impossible to be one here.

We never had reason to shoot one of the Dundons. But you should know very well how they were dealt with. We destroyed them. No shooting needed, but how are they doing these days??

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@EstebanSexface fights crime and protects society through the medium of online forums.


I think that went over his head

Shur breakthrough all Ireland’s are won on the internet these days too


Was this before or after an innocent person was gunned down?

Not sure what that has to do with this thread pal?

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You’ll figure it out one day please God

As I thought. No relevance.