Gardai acting quite aggressively

Indeed, very grown up of you to support the call for revenge by way of a contract killing on a member of the Gardai, very brave of you.

Are you right in the head? Serious question

He didnā€™t support it he just said the guy shouldnā€™t be arrested because heā€™s probably a bit passionate given he just saw his brother gunned down.

A little compassion maybe before inflaming things even more.

Backtracking now? Feeling embarrassed? Tut tut

A most interesting case study indeed.

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So you classify calling for a contract killing as a ā€œbit passionateā€?

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Iā€™d more say front with anger. I wouldnā€™t think itā€™s a very legitimate threat given the proximity to the event.

I certainly donā€™t think arresting him would do any good at all right now for it, do you?

If he continues making threats over the next few days then heā€™ll be brought in Iā€™d say

Paul Murphy will be pulling the willy off himself at the thought of that

Quoting the constitutional right to life is ridiculous, if he was successful in burying the knife in the garda he would have unlawfully ended the gardas life. Stating there is no death penalty in ireland is also laughable as the only crime that warranted the death penalty until it was abolished was capital murder, which again 3 bullets stopped him from committing.

Murphy would want to fick off and anyone who voted for any politician supporting this tripe would want to have a hard look at themselves. The man was a scumbag. Hes actions caused his death.




This wouldnā€™t be going on if the IRA was around.

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I feel threatened by his actions. He should be brought in for questioning

Very strange saying to go shoot the English instead. If the English people attacked a guard than shoot them.

Where is his sense of entailment coming from. If social welfare wasnā€™t adequate in this country hundreds of thousands would be starving and stealing to feed themselves. This is not the case.

Why are they trying to justify his violence and justify violence in reaction to the shooting. Also he does have a choice in leaving Ireland if it is such a terrible place

What time is the March today 10 bells? Hope nobody gets hurt .

Thanks Regina.

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I chackled laughing at this. A Venn diagram of common sense. These folk are delusional

One things for certain, an awful lot of the so called "woke " brigade , should be put straight back to fucking sleep


Unfortunately they are left to carry on. They will all run for the SD at some point.

Someone needs to break traditional left wing values (universal healthcare, social welfare unions) away from the woke shit. Traditional left wing leanimg people share some views with the woke but are not so militian on forcing these values onto other. This woke crowd force this ideology onto people in a manner fascism is pushed by the far right. Its incredibly interesting and dangerous. Considering I would perfer a left wing party in government as opposed to FFG. But a moderate left wing party not full of these headerballs

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The dogs moved on too. My dog thinks heā€™s a human child

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