Gardai acting quite aggressively


Fixed that there for you

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Ah here


Itā€™s sickening to see the the BLM movement invoked here. A legitimate cause being dragged through the mudā€¦ What is the ā€˜rapperā€™ going on about above? Who has oppressed who? This just shows how muddled a lot of these new Irish of African descent areā€¦ They think African American hip hop culture is theirs. Iā€™ve no doubt many have experienced racism in some formā€¦ But inciting mass criminal activity because theyā€™ve been oppressed? The country that took them or their parents in and gave them a shot at a better life has oppressed them? The poor mites are confusing 400 years of ingrained slavery / racism/ police brutality in America with a section of society in Ireland that has been racist. Hardly an oppressive machine that justifies mass criminal activity. These lads need to turn off the rap songs and grow upā€¦


Theres an openly racist post a couple of posts up from yours there pal.

Unfortunately, that fucking ignroamusā€™ views arenā€™t uncommon.


Best ignored. Bill might see himself banned again if a few posts were reported

Best ignored?

Sure isnt that half the fucking problem. Iā€™ve reported it and I would rarely resort to that


This is what we are dealing with and is the problem, knife crime and feral youths that are not getting intervention early enough before they become violent criminals. It has fuck all to do with race

Annacotty seems to be attracting a right scummy teen crowd.corbally had this problem a few years ago , the locals stood up to them, and ran them .same needs to happen here

Youā€™d want your head examined to be raising a kid in an urban environment these days.


I donā€™t know how youā€™d raise a child without an island

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Fuck off with this shit Bill. Are you that starved for attention?

Fuck off with yourself after that. This is the type of thing that justifies the riots and stuff being spouted about oppression and racism, because of cunts like yourself and that kind of stuff.


Delete that stupid message

Which one ?

The one thatā€™s flagged

I was on about america in that one

By God :grinning:

Bill has badly misjudged the mood of the forum and outed himself as a racist in doing so.


Iā€™m not a racist , I wonā€™t have you calling me one either .