Gardai acting quite aggressively

Shur, I can only go by what you’ve posted above.


Well that escalated quickly

It has been a bad few months for Georges. Georges lives matter too. Has the scumbags brother who was threatening the guards yesterday being arrested yet?

This is a very good post,
But I’d be surprised if Irish racists were a small minority, I think this forum of well educated middle class majority supports my view

You have to understand that if your son/friend/brother/neighbour is killed by a police officer when he didn’t really need to be killed you’re going to be very angry, a lot of people are clearly using the episode for their own nefarious means but you’d understand people seeking answers, and you’d understand some misplaced emotion from those closest to him, our own Garda is making clearly racist postings, what the fuck?

But you’re on the ball mostly, it’s African American culture that is being followed, strange really

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This is the crux of all you wanted to say you just hid it within a load of babble.


Our ancestors were treated worse than slaves in times gone by. Saying Ireland is an inherently racist country is a load of codswallop.

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Its a load of mumbo jumbo basically.

Careful that phrase will trigger the usual sisters around here.

What racist comment ?


I meant it all,
Are you going to dig in here as @bills guardian angel, really cute.
Ye’re well matched, two tough guys

My stance on this has been well made from the start, ive made no defence of any poster here. Talking through your arrogant hole again.

Still going for your morning runs breaking the rules . I pointed out that 20% of Africans in Ireland are unemployed. How many black teachers ? Yer are a racist bunch yerselves ,

Any views on how to improve the employment stats?


The education system has failed these young african/Irish kids . Let everyone down .

Speak passionately? His speech is incitement to murder! If my brother had committed violent crimes, including lunging at armed police with a knife, and was shot dead as a result, I’d be publically sympathising with his victims, cooperating with Gardaí in their investigations and looking for privacy for my family from the media.

The massive alarm for retribution that is being sounded now on social media did not happen in the case of Mark Hennessy. I keep bringing that case up because of the parallels. Hennessy’s family fully cooperated with the Gardaí, and even came out publically after the incident to say that they were devastated and shocked by his actions. As recently as 2020, Hennessy’s family publically stated that they did not believe there was any malice involved in his shooting.


What an utterly pointless post again, my morning runs are the height of your worries :grinning:

I believe I’m allowed 5km at the moment so no I haven’t broken any of your rules, I’m sure a few posters here can verify, follow me on Strava if you want, I’ll PM you my details if you don’t have them already,

As for the racist teachers :grinning:,

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Keep providing equal opportunities, as we currently do.


But if 20% are unemployed is the current strategy working?

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