Gardai acting quite aggressively


Their parents have failed them and theyā€™ve failed themselves.

Lockdowns wonā€™t help, thatā€™s for sure.

When is @bill leaving us again?

Here pal he was shot up around your neck of the woods , ask your neighbors about what went wrong . Do something for the rest of them instead of acting the smart arse on here .

Wonā€™t be long more Iā€™d say Iā€™m on borrowed time

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And what would your words be for the family of a murdered Garda, who kept their firearm holstered while a knife-wielding man lunged at them?


Give him a couple of examples, mate.

Perhaps a Racist & Non Racist option.

About planning?

I see that cunt @Tank is busy organising Marches from his Caravan on Achill Island.

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Why was the guard standing so close, within lunging distance, with no clear exit away?

Surely thatā€™s a mistake

Can we all calm down until the Investigation is complete?

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Iā€™m asking the tactical experts on here mate.

ā€œI feel so bad for that poor Garda and his family, I know my own wonderful family would be devastated if anything happened to me, no more magical bike rides and baking banana bread. But God rest him he died in the line of duty, did I mention iā€™m a teacher myself by trade??ā€


Thereā€™s some lads on here who would almost advocate the Garda should have taken a few stabs first, just to ensure all avenues were exhausted.



The bike and the banana bread again :grinning:

Good material mate, really relevant to this topic,

It was a housing estate, mate. Should they have discounted the very title of their organisation (guardians of the peace) and stayed well-back from the clear and present threat to the peace?


They should have allowed him walk into a house full of potential hostages with a dangerous weapon.

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That poster struggles to count to five pal, best leave him be.

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Jihad John was cutting off heads with his knife for no reason. This lad tried to do the same and got taking down .