Gardai acting quite aggressively

I canā€™t believe people are still arguing about this itā€™s a very fucking simple issue that a full investigation will clear up.
Iā€™d safely there are zero posters here who agree that race had one single thing to do with it. Iā€™d also doubt thereā€™s anyone who even thinks the garda is some kind of bad trigger happy bastard for shooting him. He was doing his job in an impossible situation and at the very most he made a mistake. Absolutely no reasonable person is criticising him or wants him hung drawn and quartered. Everyone also thinks the fella who was killed was 100pc wrong in his disgraceful behaviour and deserved to go to jail for it.
The one and only question to be answered is did the guards have to kill him and were they justified in doing so or could they have used less lethal force. None of us have a clue. It will either be shown as a failure to follow the procedures they should have followed or they did everything they should have. The investigation should clear that up and there can be a proper argument then once the facts are out there.


What would you suggest they should have done instead mate?

Of all the accusations on this thread, accusing the denizens of leafy Fingal of being neighbours with folk in Clonee may be the most egregious


I dont know. Iā€™m not a tactical expert. Getting and staying within lunging distance of a guy with a short range weapon doesnā€™t seem like a good tactic

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They should have allowed him carry on about his day?



None of the GardaĆ­ were within ā€˜lungingā€™ distance. He charged at them from the front door of the house.

You seem incredibly keen to find something wrong here.


Iā€™m asking questions. Dont be so precious.

I wonder if they asked him really nicely, with a pretty please on top to put down the weapon, would he have stopped? Has anyone asked that question yet?

Youā€™re asking stupid questions which can be answered by watching the video of the incident.

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Lads are incapable of exploring this. Itā€™s understandable.

Yes, but please ask sensible questions otherwise our investigation will go nowhere.


The short video that is taken from far away and is a snapshot of what happened in a very short space of time.

That wonā€™t hold up in court.

Itā€™ll hold up rock solid in court. It shows everything that matters.

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So, in addition to the tactical experts, we now have a criminal defence expert in our midst.


Plenty of experience?

Does he reckon some fellas here were on the scene watching it?

Jaysus lads are doing backflips here at a gentle prod.

Youd swear they had some vested interest in this

@bill Was flying the Garda chopper above

Youā€™re coming across as an awful gowl to be honest.