Gardai acting quite aggressively

Not sure if he was stabbed, an assault on the shop manager is part of the “official” narrative reported in the media though.

It was reported that he was arrested previously, though not convicted:

How the fuck are you not banned?

I told you yesterday he didn’t stab him. He did pull the knife out though and thankfully the fella managed to scramble across the floor to safety

Did he previously beat his girlfriend up with a hammer?

Someone posted a picture of the shopkeeper with a slashed face some people are eager to believe anything

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Is it possible that he was a reasonably average bloke who had a severe psychotic episode?

Irish Racist Party activists.

I’d hazard a guess and say narcotics

Do most people who use narcotics do things like that? What kind of narcotic would cause someone to do that?

Did you read the article?

“ The 27-year-old was known to local gardaí due to issues caused by his mental health difficulties and was arrested at his home last January under the Mental Health Act after he was allegedly violent to a number of gardaí who had responded to an emergency call. “

I don’t know it was a guess.

Most normal people certainly don’t. Maybe a psychotic episode induced by narcotics?

Christ .

How are you not banned you racist pig?

@Rocko @Bandage

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When the hate mob go reaching for their pitchforks the truth is always the first casualty. There were lads posting pics of some slashed English lad here last week saying it wos George Nwenko wot did it. They are positively foaming at the mouth right now, they’ll probably pin the new strain of Covid 19 on him before the day is out. The Irish Freedom Party are cleaning up this week, not hard to see why


A lot of Justin Barrett fanboys on TFK

I’d say that’s a very plausible scenario. It would also explain why all the non-lethal methods had so little an effect on him

Was he getting help for his mental health issues? If he was known to the gardai, allegedly, for having mental health issues, was he getting support? Are the guards linked with any mental health agencies?

My take of the latest info available to me is,

Gardai used excessive force.
George lunged at armed Gardai and they reacted, it’s a pity it came to that fatal stage.

Why wasn’t the time taken to check previous history to the subject, surely a quick check would have shown up the previous Mental Health incident in Jan.

A very disgusting racial element living among us in this so called tolerant Country feasted on the sorry news and got to work spreading false disgusting rumours.

My sympathies fall to the deceased family, the Shop manager and the Gardai at the scene.

Emotions are high of course but let’s respect the dead and let the investigation proceed now without further interference by Racist scum.

Go for a walk lads. Ffs sake.

You can apologise for spreading false hate claims, mate.