Gardai acting quite aggressively

Yes I did, that’s why I wrote the second part of my post.

You missed the part he was arrested for a Mental Health issue/episode related issues.

The GardaĂ­ will have their inquiry on the trail of events on the day. Not for me to pre judge that. It was a tragic event for all concerned all we can do now if follow due process.

What is clear is that the incident has a certain element of Irish society come crawling out of the sewers and their blood lust is only getting started.

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[quote=“carryharry, post:1702, topic:19244, full:true”]
My take of the latest info available to me is,

Gardai used excessive force.

In your opinion but wrong.

George lunged at armed Gardai and they reacted,

You conveniently left out with a bladed weapon there.

it’s a pity it came to that fatal stage.


Why wasn’t the time taken to check previous history to the subject, surely a quick check would have shown up the previous Mental Health incident in Jan.

If’s obvious they knew well they were dealing with someone with extremely violent tendencies.

No I didn’t. I just said he was arrested. Is that incorrect?

Edit that reply, mate.

I can’t read that mess.

You can read it.

Wow, some lads have a lot of free time on their hands :wink:

Ya TFK .

That was alleged to have happened a number of weeks ago, so no conviction would have been processed by now.

He was certainly “known to the Gardaí” as they say…

A troublesome black man/traveler/whatever you’re having yourself is a dream come true for the oul racists

And armed with that knowledge, what difference would the outcome have been to know it was a mentally ill man and not just a man after bating a guy, armed and lunging with a blade at armed cops?

I sympathize with his family for what is a horrible situation. But haven’t an ounce of sympathy for a guy whose extreme violence was met with the same.

The Gardaí aren’t mincing their words anyway
‘‘In addition, An Garda Síochána is “very concerned” by “lies” being circulated widely online by “fascists and racists” falsely stating that the dead man, who had mental health problems, had more than 30 criminal convictions.’’

GardaĂ­ concerned by fascists and racists like @Watchyourtoes @bill and @TheUlteriorMotive. Who were the others?

You haven’t an ounce of sympathy for a guy with mental health problems being shot to death?

That’s pretty dark I have to say.

Let’s hope the people saying it was racially motivated are as quick to retract those allegations.

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I genuinely don’t. Had he taken his own life, I likely would. But he tried take others so I dont

I’m just wondering how you think the cops should have established this? Are you assuming they knew who he was or are you suggesting they should have asked the knife wielding maniac to hang on for a few minutes until they went through his pockets?

That was an Everton fan that got slashed by a Millwall “fan” last year

Perhaps while all 12 of them were stood outside his house they might had made a call?