Gardai acting quite aggressively

Lads pretending to be Gardai (in the know), lads pretending to be Judge Dredd, lads posting up pictures of victims of English Football hooligans and pretending itā€™s a Spar worker from Hartstown. Not too mention, numerous posts starting with ā€œIā€™m not a racist butā€¦ā€ A pretty embarrassing episode for TFK all told. Iā€™d suggest a discreet veil be drawn now to save lads further embarrassment.


Agreed. What colour is the veil?


If he was a family member of yours I wonder would you feel the same.

Do you understand that if an insane person kills someone, they are not guilty be reason of insanity, or may be committed rather than see jail. Yet you seem to be ok with this guy being executed.

Your values are completely at odds with the values of the state here.

There is a big difference between having mental health problems and being certified insane.


Made a call to where about what?

Itā€™s a fairly high bar to prove insanity as a defense. If it were a low bar nobody would be convicted of murder, or anything for that matter.

Thatā€™s true but the difference in approach is clear, mentally ill people should be treated, not executed.

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I dont think this guy was executed. Itā€™s a tragedy, a truly desperate turn of events, but I dont think it was racism and it certainly wasnt an execution.


People throwing around words like racism and execution here very lightly.


Weā€™re talking about the principle rather than the incident specifically.

Lionel was of the view that a guyā€™s extreme violence was met with the same and he had no sympathy for him.

In Ireland, extreme violence is not met with extreme violence. The death penalty doesnā€™t exist. It is acknowledged to be against our values.

Lads have lost the run of themselves without work in the morning. Youā€™d hope weā€™ll be back on an even keel by tomorrow

Paddy needs the drink taken off him. Tony needs to intervene


Iā€™m over 48 hours off the drink. Iā€™ll have this covid thing licked* in no time.

Off licenses are not essential retail and should be closed.


Iā€™m drunk right now

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No. I was talking only about this incident, this guy.

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There is no indication that this guy was insane though and didnā€™t know that he was doing.


:grin::grin::grin: Iā€™d a post written saying this and I deleted it cos I couldnt be arsed with the back and forth that mmight have ensued.

Look, what needed to happen was the GardaĆ­ should have let the individual tire himself out. If one or two GardaĆ­ got stabbed, so be it as thatā€™s part of the job they signed up for. Once he was tired, they could gently restrain him and bring him off somewhere for a mental assessment. That way, everyone (except the injured GardaĆ­, who are expendable of course) would be happy.