Gardai acting quite aggressively

A lovely little bit of armchair diagnosis from the resident TFK shrink. :clap:


The guards should have brought out Richard Sadlier instead of their pepper spray and tasers.


As he started stabbing him the guard should have taken a knee and raised a fist, before dying quietly. A moment to repair the centuries of Garda racism towards black people lost forever.


Was there time to make a call to Bressie?


Is bressie our version of gazza turning up? Shows what kind of nation we love in

Maybe they would have found time to post a pic of some roughed up Everton fan on the INTERNET while they were at it

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Stick up a picture of Andy Gray that time he split his eyebrow playing with Everton. You can blame it on George and a few of your seals will clap enthusiastically .


George :rofl: did you know him personally? Do you think you are fighting oppression or something you moron

Just another anti GardaĆ­ Dublin skanger is all.

Go on. Stick another photo of an injured Everton fan up. You can pretend I did it this time. You fucking stook.

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Got it in one.

Keep repeating that thinking itā€™s some sort of gotcha moment. Not a word out of you about the shop worker he threatened, similar to not a word out of you when that Brazilian delivery man was killed by Dublin skangers. No solidarity medals for you to display there seemingly.

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As I didnā€™t have the facts I deliberately didnā€™t speculate on what happened in Hartstown. I suppose hoping a witless, knuckle dragging racist like yourself to do the same was expecting too much.

Another lovely little TFK angry man circle jerk :smiley:

How is all in Blanch since, have things calmed?

cc @Breaking_my_balls @TheBird @Horsebox and unsurprisingly the Galway racist set @Ambrose_McNulty @maroonandwhite @Tierneevin1979


dont forget @padjo


because he assaulted a guy in the spar, pulled a knife in the post office and attacked a garda with a knife

That wasnā€™t enough for the racists, they had to make up extra. Pathetic.

Lads trying to smooth this one over bizarrely