Gardai acting quite aggressively

I havenā€™t a clue pal and therefore am unwilling to speculate.

its also fair to say that he wasnt the angel that he is portrayed as being.

as usual the truth is somewhere between the 2 extremes

Did you not say before you were a dyed in the wool Brigidā€™s man?

I certainly did not.

Are you sure?

I am. Go on. Do your worst

Oh look, if you say so, Iā€™m happy to let you on.

Iā€™m based much further east and always have been

Great little club out there Brigidā€™s

smashing facilities

Good people too.

1 Like

whats the diversity like on their minor & senior teams?

Incredible. Biggley good.

The only incorrect piece of info I had was the machete wasnā€™t it? Iā€™m happy to withdraw it.

Nothing else applies to what I said.

You were extremely reasoned in your contributions.

Good man.

Pity the likes of @artfoley canā€™t take the same approach and simply acknowledge when they are wrong.

What was he waving? A wooden spoon?

ā€œItā€™s also fair to sayā€¦ā€


Just acknowledge that the information spread was lies. Thatā€™s all you need to do. Of course you canā€™t.

so youre saying he was an angel?

Heā€™s with them now anyway