Gardai acting quite aggressively

If someone - be they white or black - lunges at a Garda with a weapon, does it make a huge amount of difference whether it’s a knife or a machete? If you get stabbed it’s all the one surely?

If members of the Kinihan organised crime group were making public threats against Gardai they’d be cuffed in jig time.

The brother of this chap is saying all sorts and seemingly has carte blanche to do so.


Where did I say that?

Why can’t you simply acknowledge that lies and misinformation were spread by racists without your but but buts?

it was clearly inferred from your post

why cant you confirm that lies and misinformation have been spread by both sides?

did you not know that “officers have been called to the house several times to deal with “mental health and domestic issues”.”

Turns out George was only armed with a spoon. He was blackguarded by those racist armed guards.


Jaysus he went into a shop and just waved a spoon around or was it a spork?


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Who are you calling a racist??

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Everybody who doesn’t agree with him or her.


ST reported yesterday members of his family had protection orders against him and he did not reside at that house and may have returned from UK.

Gardai have met family and members of Nigerian community to explain the escalation procedures used one of whom is reported in article as saying he accepted the killing was not due to race.



Maybe you clearly inferred it because you are a fool.

ah the righteous indignation of glas. sure the place wouldnt be the same without it

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No surprise that @glasagusban, who frequently used the term knackers to describe the underprivileged in Irish society, is falsely accusing fellow posters of racism.

The racist cunt.


Don’t you know that spreading misinformation about the deceased makes you a racist automatically? I have no idea how, but it apparently just does.

This is the level of imbecile we’re dealing with here. Dangerous man with a knife threatening people, but couldn’t they just have left him alone.


I said it yesterday, what needed to happen was the GardaĂ­ should have let the individual tire himself out. If one or two GardaĂ­ got seriously hurt in the process, so be it.


How could he hurt anyone with a spoon?

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Maybe it was a wooden spoon

Those suggesting Sadlier or Bressie should have been called in likely of the view that a few laps around the green with Bressie would cure any mental health issues and the situation would have deescalated