Gardai acting quite aggressively

nobody is suggesting that


Sadlier and Bressie were brought into this (TFK) conversation as an attempt to bring some humour into this mans death :man_shrugging:
Something about a spoon as well, really funny stuff

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That’s not true, mate. They were brought into the discourse to highlight the specious notion that the individual should have been “treated” instead of “executed”.


Death by police officer should become par for the course for all violent criminals from now on? Any attempt to explore alternatives is absolutely ridiculous and specious is it?

Straw man.


Why have An Garda Siochana deemed that an Armed Support Unit is necessary?


Bressie, Sadlier and the famous spoon? The point couldn’t have been made without those absolutely ridiculous suggestions?
There is a dead man being discussed.

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Bresie and the spoon are valid though ya?

Would a phone call from Ray Darcy have helped I wonder?

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What was said about Bressie and the spoon.

Are you still saying the killing was race driven.

The deceased was subject to protection orders, had engaged in a vicious assault, non lethal attempts to disarm him had failed and he lunged to try and kill a Garda which was a real and immediate threat to human life justifying lethal force to neutralise that threat.

I don’t think I ever said it was race driven.

Could Omero Mumba have been used here?

What would you have done differently once non lethal force failed and he went to kill a Garda.

I dont have the full facts at hand and cant judge based on the video. Did the fact he was tasered three times and pepper sprayed drive him over the edge?

It’s just assumed he was murderous because I dont know why.

He hadn’t attempted to murder anyone up to that point.

This merits discussion.

Some people think, he was dangerous he got shot. Grand. And don’t want it discussed. That’s not great

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So you reckon it was wrong to taser him?

I dont know. Neither does anyone here.

If you assume he was in a murderous rage at that point then it was not wrong to taser him.

If he wasn’t, then it probably was wrong to taser him alright

None of that can be seen on the video and that’s where peoples predetermined ideas are causing issues on both sides.

I would say, in my opinion it almost certainly was not racially motivated.

Based on the evidence of the video, shooting him was probably justified.

But what led up to that point is unknown and an investigation into the death of the young man will reveal the truth of the matter.

I’ll knife you


Slash his tyres

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Well done mate. It has taken a few days, but you’ve finally caught up.