Gardai acting quite aggressively

This is the kicker for me. He had previous issues with his mental health and Gardai had been called out previously in relation to this apparently.

What in hindsight seems could have been done differently was to try and settle a bit.
Itā€™s highly unusual for your usual attempted robber to assault someone and casually walk back home afterwards.

To my mind this man was in the throws of a serious mental episode or else the whole incident was designed for him to be killed ( suicide by cops ).

It cannot be argued that the ARU member who fired the shots did so wrongly as George was extremely aggressive to him with a lethal weapon. But, should it have got to that stage is a key unanswered question which I assume an investigation will look closely at.

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Notice the language, there isnt anything definitive.

You and some of the edgier/borderline horrible cunts are very definitive in the reasons for it, with fuck all information.

Youā€™ve pulled me up on numerous things but have not pulled up people who have posted information incorrectly about the guy that was killed, in so much as posting a picture of a wrong victim of a slashing that never happened. Thatā€™s grand though, according to ye.

You pulled me up on my views of the subject but glossed over overt racism. As open and brazen as it gets.

The same guys. Always

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Weā€™ve a consensus lads. Lock the thread.

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Lock it quick, because heā€™s changing his mind again.

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Not to be pedantic, kid, but you keep using the term ARU in your posts.

There is no such unit in An Garda SƭochƔna.

It was a former Garda who introduced the term

Close the door of the echo chamber.

That tell you anything?

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This is tfk. We will now proceed to hammer the shite out of each other over what kind of consensus it is.

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ERU, my apologies.

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How is still an argument he went apeshit with a knife less lethal failed and as a last resort he was shot to protect lives. Race had fuck all to do with it.
Iā€™m beginning to think some of ye cunts are only contrarians who like arguing for the sake of arguing.


Read the thread title.

This is the way

Iā€™m beginning to think some of ye cunts are only contrarians who like arguing for the sake of arguing.

Are you mattress mick?
How long are you lurking on this site and only waking up to that fact now?

Iā€™ve only popped in from time to time and havenā€™t read everything obviously, but I havenā€™t seen anybody here claim it was racially motivated.
I think some of the commentary here is motivated by something related to racism, I donā€™t think itā€™d be as divisive or lads would find it suitable for attempts at humour if it was a troubled middle class white boy

Neither have I.

The racists have repeatedly claimed that people have said this though. Weird.

Funny that ā€œblanchā€ means white ?

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Away ta fuck! On TFK? Never in a million years!

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It wouldnā€™t be as divisive as people couldnā€™t then infer it was racist.
Iā€™m pretty sure the attempts at humour would still be there, and to be honest, if we all couldnā€™t step back a little from everything on the news, weā€™d all be suicidal.


The problem with the whole thing, not so much on tfk was that one side of the argument was trying to make it about racism while the other side are racists. And we are in the middle playing GSOC based on a video from 40 yards