Gardai acting quite aggressively

George was blasted to death Iā€™m afraid buddy

He was put down after threatening Gardai. Itā€™s not Star Wars

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So it begins

No containing him unfortunately which is the sad part. He didnā€™t want to listen to it and theyā€™d nothing left in the drawer for containment

Nasty bastards.

Racist fucks

Racist fucks

Any chance it was sent by one of their own looking to pump up the profile for blm?

Is there a difference between black and white handwriting do you reckon?

The cute whores probably wrote it with a blue pen.

If thatā€™s your first thought about it it says a lot above your biases.

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Heā€™s some fool. Shur we all know black people canā€™t write haha.

No it doesnā€™tā€¦ Iā€™m probably the least racist person on this boardā€¦


That poor family getting racist abuse now, ffs.

Clear as day the poor young fella was having a mental breakdown.

The tragic incident has them crawling out of the sewers

Not from your earlier post you aint


Seems six shots were fired.

It will be 7 next week