Gardai acting quite aggressively

Interesting they described him as black. Isnā€™t that racist ?

Where was the pause?

No, sur wasnā€™t he black

Great work detective, well done



This will drive the usual suspects crazy.

Nice to see one of our own involved

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are you the lad stopping the merc? :wink:

What dafug is this shite?

Looks like essential work to meā€¦

So is this the new Harlem shake?


A timely boost for Ireland with all the doom and gloom around

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Yeah Iā€™m in a fierce good mood now after watching that.

Absolute cretins.

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The brave Gardai hard at work again, last week they were boasting about fining a lad for walking on the beach


What are they teaching them up at that templemore?

Fantastic to see. The GardaĆ­ do a great job.


Protect and serve, maā€™am

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That was class, the blondie girl is a fine dancer,

Good idea whosever it was

Tubridy will be interviewing the horses on the Late Late on Friday. But only if one of them is due to be put down.