Gardai acting quite aggressively

That’ll cheer the horsey set up no end

Be even better if one of the horses had covid as well.

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Lovely part of the city around there

Whats all this?

James Lowe there at the death pretending to tackle.


An Garda Síochána are the greatest police force in Europe, possibly the world.

Maurice McCabe was a fucking rat.

cc @Copper_pipe

Council for Civil Liberties seem very upset about this, thoughts?

Cunts with things to hide hate cameras.

If you read the article, it’s at the discretion of the Gardaí whether they want to switch on their camera or not. This is completely different from the USA where activists have been campaigning for cameras on cops that must be switched on all the time.

What will happen is that camera footage will emerge whenever the cops deal with a situation well but there’ll mysteriously be no footage whenever they deal with a situation badly. The hope must be that in time judges become wise to this and start getting suspicious whenever the camera footage is “missing”.

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You’d hope there would be strict protocols about when they need to turn it on and if they don’t then it will be a disciplinary matter and in court proceedings judges will be allowed draw inferences from that

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Did they have cameras on when they shot that chap in blanchardstown? Surely the ERU all have cameras on at all times!

Like I said only cunts who have something to hide are afraid of cameras.

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If you had bothered to actually read the article, the footage will be uploaded to a remote server, not the device, so there’s no way what ‘will emerge’ can be controlled.

clearly you didnt read his post either, hes referring to cops not switching on the blasted thing.

So how will there be footage when something is dealt with well, that will disappear mysteriously when things go bad. Which is what he posted. There’s no ability to go back and erase, and the camera would have to be switched on before the interaction, or when there’s no idea how it will go.

Them not switching it on is another matter entirely. They will be at the same situation they are now therefore.


by the c[p choosing to switch on the camera when its going well and then turning it off when things go south

But that footage, i.e. everything up to the turning off will be fully discoverable as it will be remotely held. So how will that look if it’s just turned off. So it’s not like something will disappear as he suggested and you backed up.

What this will do, is render solicitors obselete in court in many cases, what happens will be either proven by video or not. So justice served or solicitors make money. Which would you chose?

That I imagine is what’s behind the opposition, imagine suggesting to a civil liberties group in the US or anywhere that having a recording of an interaction is a bad thing.