Gardai acting quite aggressively

There are more lawyers in US than any other country :thinking:

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Sure all you have to do is pass the bar. Doesn’t change my point that the money spinner of free legal aid in Ireland might be under threat if the circumstance of what’s alleged are clearly shown on a camera.

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A Garda word in a District Court is better than any camera evidence.


Dats a deep fayke your honour so it is.

Must watch

I see unofficial Garda Press secretary paul Reynolds doing his thing at the end there.

I read an interview with the Nzchenko’s solicitor a few weeks ago saying that in March 3 months after the incident GSOC still hadn’t interviewed the Garda that fired the 6 shots.

The cover up is often worse than the crime

It would want to be a serious mudderfucking cover up

Looks to be the strategy nevertheless

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These fuckers are on cloud cuckoo-landz

The guards?
Bit harsh

Another PSNI hire there you’d imagine.

God rest him, and take care of all those who protect our state.


The Shinners should never be let forget what their private army did that dark day in Adare.


And the Gardai should never be allowed forget how they covered up Dublin and Monaghan.


Why are they trying to make this into a race thing? I don’t condone his killing, and it certainly could have been handled better by the ARU, but George was shot because he was deemed a danger to people. He went into a supermarket with a knife and assaulted someone afterall. He then later lunged at Gardai with the same knife.

It had nothing to do with race. George was the first black man to be shot by the ARU.

This belongs in the woeful journalism thread.


This is exactly why his family are looking for answers . He was mentally ill and was shot 6 times on his own doorstep by armed police. The GSOC inquiry seems to be a washout. 2 months after the shooting and GSOC hadn’t interviewed the guard that did the shooting. His family are dead right to be looking for answers. I doubt it was a race thing either but it was an unnecessary taking of a life.

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The volunteers who carried that out did so on their own . They didn’t sit down with anyone and it was never sanctioned. I don’t see what good bringing up one specific incident achieves when there’s hundreds of other incidents involving all sides, including the Irish state. The whole point of the GFA is to move forward, not backwards. But handicaps like you and the simpletons that liked your post will never understand that… You want peace but you want on your terms where you can kick who ever you want. You stupid cunt.

Ah here.


He could have left out ‘handicaps’ too.