Gardai acting quite aggressively

You’re right to show some compassion for the Garda in question. He was in a difficult situation and it no doubt caused him quite a degree of stress.

Ring Bressie

I don’t think there was racial bias involved. The ARU are well used to Blanch. Theres loads of black people there but the most dangerous scumbags there are white lads in drugs gangs. As I’ve said before, I’d say it was more class bias than colour bias that led to his killing. Not sure a lad in foxrock gets shot like that. Also the fact that he was waving a knife and had assaulted a lad played by far the biggest part.

It’ll never be proved one way or the other.

Yer man Goulding the other week didn’t end up dead though and he was firing at the Guards. I’m not saying that’s proof of racial bias in the Nkencho case, just observing that he had a more dangerous weapon than Nkencho did and came out of the situation alive.

How so? Are GSOC racists too?

Goulding surrendering helped

He was also shooting from an upstairs window

Before he surrendered?

Yes. Very hard for cops to ‘take him down’

They could have shot back at him :man_shrugging:t2:

Negotiating worked there, it went sideways when they were trying to talk Nchenko down. Same happened to Colm Horkan with worse results.

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I never said anyone was racist.

How far was mark hennessy from foxrock?

A lot of imagining bogeymen from the usual morons at play here. What matters is the interaction at the time of the shooting, did they feel it was necessary for their or others safety? If proven so then it’s justified.

From memory, John Carthy being shot seemed a considerably more unavoidable outcome than George Nkencho being shot.

Yet the Carthy family got a public apology after Abbeylara, didn’t they? What were the exact findings after that?

But sure you could then argue any interaction could justify shooting somebody, purely on the word of an officer, no matter how unjustified it might be. That’s what happens in the US.

I never said you did. The discussion is about racial bias, conscious or unconscious. Any idea why GSOC wouldn’t treat this high profile case as an absolute priority? Surely they’d be very anxious to be seen to do so and to nail any wrongdoing (if any) by the Guards?

GSOC has generally been overburdened and underresourced. Lots of public bodies were not well set up to work from home during covid, lots of aspects of the the work of GSOC can’t be done from home. I’d say they had a backlog at minimum. This is a high profile case, they needed senior people working on it. The shooting happened on 30 December, right before the massive spike that frightened the shit out of everyone. One could speculate at other reasons for delay. None of this excuses the delays, but goes some way to explaining it.

10 weeks until the officer was interviewed seems disgraceful to me. But it’s been reported that the process is that all the other information gathering is done first, so that the interview can then be conducted with as much knowledge of the circumstances as possible in advance.

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Seems a lot more plausible than Gsoc going around “scratching their armpits”

I suppose you have some sort of point. Violently abducting a woman you don’t know and disappearing for a few days is probably a notch higher on the psycho list than battering a lad in spar though in terms of gardai being ready to shoot you.

Well done for missing my point entirely. What were both doing at the time they were shot?

Have you ever criticised the establishment?