GDPR Discussion

Be more in his line to take a few photos of some roasters shoes under the curtain of the adjoining bed.


The relevant paperwork has run its course. Once it’s investigated and as always with this wanker there’s nothing to it aren’t I better off to say the incident is finished with and all info regarding same was duly destroyed.

What’s your data retention policy ?

Not sure what you mean by “cases” but is there a seperate requirement to retain information relating to them for a period of time if anything official was lodged? I can see a lot of contradictory scenarios arising out of this.

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I assume that the civil service would have some form of document retention policy up to now. Probably not.

The most of my paperwork is an agreement to work practices where a specific employee isn’t named.
This wanker I think is looking for all data and paperwork that the union holds on him. I’m within my rights & feel I should already have destroyed all his ‘cases’ against other employees and HR.
So if I destroy them Monday and give him what I’ve left, ie, his contact details etc I’m not breaking the law. … I hope.

You are breaking the law. The fact you should have destroyed them before now is irrelevant.

Could you have a break in staged?

I can’t see what I’m doing wrong. Anyway they’re locked into an office, they’re also locked within a filing cabinet within that office.
Fuck him. I don’t think I’ll be doing the course thing until October so he can wait.

Tell him you can not access his records due to sunny weather and the corresponding lack of access to the necessary cloud.

Only way to save yourself now is to burn the building down.

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And piss on the ashes

I was able to fully terminate my Facebook account last night and all data with it… Previously you could only deactivate. Is this GDPR in action or the removal of the 8th?

Loads of information is privileged and you dont need to provide it e.g. if you got legal advice on how to deal with a HR issue you could legitimately argue that the legal advice was priviliged and all the communication subsequently was also priviliged because it was driven by the legal advice.

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Cool story.

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You’re some man. That’s the 10th time you’ve deleted your Facebook account apparently



Can you not read, bro? You could only previously deactivate it. However, it’s now DELETED. Huzzah!

When you go on you are greeted with the following message:

If you follow through the settings, you can click to a list which shows all the 3rd parties they share your data with - you can then decide ( from all 266 ) which ones you would / wouldn’t like to share your data with. (List of all 266 )

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If you use the Disconnect browser plugin it stops most of those