General Comedy Quotes Thread

this whole scene is gold


Chandler have you ever dressed up in a cocktail dress and asked me up to your room?


Well then you are neither of your parents.


Two boys were fuckin hilarious.

The end of this from Bebe is off the charts.


Bishop Brennan: The amount of peoples’ lives irreparably damaged!
Dougal: They were only nuns.
Bishop Brennan: Nuns are people too! My God, the strings I had to pull to stop the Vatican getting involved! I do not want to talk about it!

Sam: Anthony, you don’t know what you’re doing. I mean, look at me, will you? I’m single. I’ve got a great life going here. Look, most guys go through their entire life with only one woman.
Anthony: Yeah.
Sam: I got three under Q.

Norm: Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson. Can I pour you a beer?
Norm: Well, okay, Woody, but be sure to stop me at one. Make that 1:30.


Bebe: Well, that’s gratitude for you. Do you have any idea the lengths I went to to make this happen?
Frasier: Wait a minute. You were in San Francisco last week. Don’t tell me…
Bebe: I was nowhere near that air conditioner. You’re worse than the police.

‘Bloody priests, sanctimonious scumbags! Made my life a bloody misery!‘


Put your clothes back on Carol I can’t concentrate.

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Dr Crane, your glockenspiel has sprung to life

You know, there is no greater friend to the working man than my own Maris.

When their stable boy Joaquim’s appendix burst, Maris had him driven back to the border at her own expense.


You know, Niles, this precious little building of yours isn’t as exclusive as you think. Your doorman waved me right through.

Well, that’s because he knows you.

Oh, fan of my show?

No, he lives in your building.


I think it’s absolutely great to see. I mean, the level of commitment amongst the African church, in bringing the faith to the people. It’s just wonderful. It’s marvellous, isn’t it?

Sure, I wouldn’t know, I’m from Donegal.


Niles: If, uh, if anyone needs me, I’ll be sleeping at the hospital tonight.

Frasier: Why?

Niles: Uh, Maris’ doctor feels it’s more soothing for the patient to duplicate the home environment as closely as possible, so I slipped a pearl-handled revolver under her pillow and got myself a room across the hall.

Niles: [on Daphne] Why did you have to hire Venus herself? Couldn’t you have found some beefy, East-European scrub woman who reeked of ammonia?



In the middle of dressing for the evening, Maris suddenly slumped down on the edge of the bed in her half-slip and sighed. Of course, I knew then and there that dinner was not to be.

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Now calm down son, listen to daddy. It’s just a bad dream. I promise you, Senator Thurmond is not in your closet. That’s a good boy. Yes, okay you go back to bed now.