General Election 2020 Hub

Over 70% of people between 25 and 34 are not voting for Fine Gael and Fianna Fail.

There’s your (slightly older) youthquake.

He wasn’t that far off last time off a 13.8% national SF vote. A small enough swing would see him home.

But wasn’t their opposition to the SCC mainly in the aftermath of the conviction of Slab Murphy?

There was a lad in the Kinihan-Hutch feud convicted in it today fwiw

I presume all candidates will now be deselected in Tipperary and new nominations submitted after the death of the Ind candidate today ?

Watching Mary Lou’s interview with Dobbo from earlier.

Dobbo focussed on detail and Mary Lou found seriously wanting.

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@anon61956325 called it 4 years ago…

cc @tallback @Bandage @maroonandwhite @carryharry


I didn’t read it that way, hard to read anything into it considering the (pardon the pun) machine gun style questioning

Who is chairing the debate tomorrow?

I think they’ve always been against it, but I’m open to correction on that.

9.5 % of the vote and 7th on first prefs. He was a decent way off.

Is there anyway a coalition of left wing can govern ??

When I heard FF backwoodsmen, all I could think of was Bobby Aylward, so you and Leo are right on the money

@tallback and @Tim_Riggins are going to be first against the wall



80% down in numbers of insects… Fucking hell

Slab was blackguarded.

People aren’t voting SF on policy. People are voting SF on populist promises and emotion. I’d be happy with FG/SF/Green in coalition. They could act as checks on each other and it would mean more dynamism and boldness in policy but also hard headedness in terms of what was actually possible. I think it would be good mixture.


I like it. Something for everyone

If the 25-34 year olds actually get out and vote, SF will be the story of this election

I still reckon FF and them will end up in a coalition

Was it just a coincidence that your man that testified against him the first time was murdered?

Or was he a cunt as well so it was ok?