Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

I’m well aware of his links. Curiously, I’d suspect Middle Ireland will take his opinion on board far more than another shifty Adams interview, whining SF tds, or seething Rastoolers on various social media platforms. The same applies for the rest of the mainstream media beyond Whelan. Simply put, Adams is not believable on these issues and I suspect that’s the views of most of the electorate. It doesn’t really impact the core SF vote who are comfortable with the various tales of the past but in my opinion it continues to limit SF’s potential gains beyond the 15% level. Biggest recession/austerity in recent Irish history - it should have been a breakthrough for SF but it wasn’t.

Separately - SF giving out about political point-scoring is hilarious. It’s unclear why they think that issues that make them uncomfortable should be off-limits.

The SFIRA lads can always remember where the cash is buried, not great with bodies though.


Paudie McGahon. He can’t go for a quiet pint in Ardee any more.

He sounded old and out of his depth

these shinner spambots are losing their minds trying to defend their failed paramilitary, drug dealing pedo protection racket

SF made huge gains in the under 30 age bracket — as the old allegiances to the civil war parties die out over the next few elections SF will take their rightful place at the top table.

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Sorry pal, while they may, or may not, no political party has a right to be anywhere. The electorate decide that right.

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its some coincidence that Jarry (most oppressed td ever) has been the victim of so many liars down though the years, all the lads in the ra who said he was in the ra, maria cahill, the stacks, his niece, mcgahern, the mccartneys, all bloody liars


That’s what I just said, pal.

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Sure you did. Suuuuuuuuuuure.

Which is why he still supports the Iraq War and supports a candidate who says “torture works”.

Hard to believe there’s no other photo of Stack in uniform anywhere to be found than the one being used?

Maybe he was impersonating a prison officer?

What’s wrong with it?

Its unflattering and the curtains offend me.

Fair comment .

I support the removal of Saddam Hussain as leader of Iraq. I don’t agree with Trump regarding torture, we will see what he actually does on that.

That you would describe me as a hypocrite when you just brush off the behaviour of someone like Castro in Africa or murdering his domestic political opponents is just gas.

Anyway, expected some other attack from you on here now to deflect onto something else that riles you about me so I’ll take my leave.

@Breaking_my_balls I’ll give you a response later on, good points there…

The way you said “I support the removal of Saddam Hussein as leader of Iraq” makes it sound so cuddly, nice and easy, like flicking a light switch, as opposed to starting a war based on false evidence, the predictable disastrous consequences of which were entirely ignored by those who started the war and supported it.

Cuddly, nice and easy, like all the times the US removed other “dictators”, which all led to successful, peaceful conclusions, or not.

What’s your view on the new National Security Adviser retweeting that Hillary Clinton runs a child sex ring from a pizzeria?

Serious politicians, eh?

As I said previously, Cuba has nothing to learn from the US when it comes to human rights.

Very few countries around the world do.

And again we’re off…Sidney has brought in an unrelated topic into this thread as it bothered him so much last time. At least this isn’t a rugby thread though.

Bump the Castro thread if you want to get into this.

Here’s a list of unrelated topics you’ve brought into the thread, Tim.

i) Transgender issues
ii) Free speech
iii) British football
iv) Rugby
v) Trump
vi) Cuba

I presume you’ll try and come back with some standard nonsense about “deflection” (you’re the biggest deflector of all) or “following me around” (it’s a discussion forum).