General Election 2020 Hub

Much like Mick Wallace repaying his VAT liability, anyone standing against establishment corruption deserve reward as there are consequences for those that do. Poor Mick and Claire Daly had to get out of the country. Wilson lost his house. McCabe his career and good name.

What were they about so?

Sneering again, you’re not doing yourself or FG any good at all.

Working the constituencies from what I have seen. A leaf from the FF playbook maybe

all well and good but people like @Horsebox think thats acceptable price to pay for the “stability” of FFGLAB together with health in a mess, homelessness, rampant criminality both br criminals and AGS, not to mention the likes of dinny etc.

Disappointing to see that Simon Harris has turned into Sneering Simon given that I would have had some respect for him over how he handled the successful campaign for the abolition of the barbaric Eighth Amendment. It seems the sneering virus in Fine Gael is more virulent than the Corona virus.

It’s legally mandated SF and DUP work together or no government.

Comparing apples and …oranges. BOOM.

Would people close to the area be able to give an insight into what the 10 plus assailants were all about?

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Daly (she tells Wallace what to do) along with privately southside educated Murphy and Mary lou are shrewd enough, just tell skangers they. are victims and they will eat that up and vote them in repeatedly. The former run off to do nothing in europe the latter nothing in ireland. While the imaginary oppressed don’t notice there wasn’t a blind bit of difference made.

Remind me again what legal agreement is it?

Dislike of change is a common trait of invertebrates.

The Good Ride Day Agreement.

People would respect SF IRA if they just said that.

If these people had concerns maybe they should have done what ordinary law abiding people do and report these concerns to either the Gardaí or the PSNI.

CHANGE, just get it done ok. The same posters who guffaw at boris and trump falling hook line and sinker for the same fairytale promises here.

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Sure you support Johnson and Trump. SF’s policies are not remotely like Johnson’s and Trump’s. They’re pretty much the polar opposite.

ah but sid - jesus - if you look at the eight amendment campaign - the sneering and agression at play in there was horrible - he just saw himself on the right side of the fence as the great offended had no reason to take issue with it as they were by and large victorious.
Now -whilst i agree the right decision was made there - i fully respect and undersand those who had their reasons for voting against it - by and large - they were almost afraid at times to speak up on the issue such was the disdain and hostility their opinion was treated.
swings and roundabouts, etc

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Ah come on he didn’t even turn up for debate in his constituency last night.

philly McMahon , the greatest bogballer of all clamps FFG

Who is “sid”?