Getting a dog

I think he’s high

Any tips for

  1. Stopping a dog shitting in the house
  2. Eating his own shit

Dog is generally v good. Will not pee in house…will shit outside of house most of time…but occasionally save it up and eat it like a treat for himself…tonight I brought him for a walk for 20 mins at 10 and a pee no poo…another walk before bed there for 20 mins…pee no poo…into house and in the time I brushed my teeth he’d had a shit and eaten most of it…happy out the stones of a dog

bay punting GIF


How old is he now? What are you feeding him and how often?

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Don’t bring him back in until he does a shit. No matter how long it takes

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Exactly 6 months. He is getting burns dry dog food. Up to 400g a day now half first thing in morning and half around 6pm. We just continued giving him what he was getting before we had him.

We asked the vet about it because I thought he was skinny, when we weighed him he’d put on 1kg a week since we got him. 19kg now he is growing like a weed, he’s just fit

That’s what I was thinking

That’s a start definitely stop him doing the business inside but may or may not stop the eating part. But the food possibly is too rich, and he’s not processing it all so it’s tasty to him. Check it’s protein content and look at subsituting some of what you weigh for him daily with something else like sardines or a raw egg. There’s things like pumpkin too that make the poop less attractive for the pup.
Dogs like routine and he’s developing a habit, so break it. Clean up straight away don’t let him eat it. It’s a bit of work but vigilance will pay.
In all if the scut is thriving and eating, he may just be eating too well is all.

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That’s the biggest issue. he waits until there is no-one around when all in bed…or the other day he shit outside, then shit inside and ate it in the 10 mins while I was gone dropping kids to school :sob:

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At least he’s cleaning up after himself


Tell him in your big boy voice that there will be no more Kissey Wisseys until he kicks that shit eating habit.

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Diet then. Less going in less coming out. Use the quality in what you have to cut down on quantity. You’ll balance it out

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Now there’s what you’d call a beautiful dog. The studious expression as he just looks at the robin is :white_check_mark:

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He adjusted to Cork soon enough

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He’s very intelligent, typical of the breed. He taught me a lot :slightly_smiling_face:
Reports from home are he’s not pleased at being left behind while we are on our jaunt south.

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The dog knows what a miserable cunt you are, leaving out a tin of Aldi dogfood to do the weekend.
He’ll live, as I said, a beaut.

FAO @gilgamboa

Vigilance is what you need now. Catch the dog doing an indoor shit and cover it with a 2 tablespoons of pepper. That won’t be long educating the dozy git. I warned you but……………


Ordered an Indian there tonight. Dexter sat under me the whole time I ate it looking for a bit of it. The cunt would have been floor scooching for a week if I had of given him a bit of it


Meet Suds, my brothers dog I’m pet-sitting for the week. Schnauzer’s seem like an absolutely cracking breed. Ne’er a bark out of him the whole week. Seriously thinking of getting one.